[2] Disney World

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• SIMON •Word Count: 1018Two Days Later [Sunday]"Babe?" I whispered, kissing his cheek in attempt to wake him up

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Word Count: 1018
Two Days Later [Sunday]
"Babe?" I whispered, kissing his cheek in attempt to wake him up. It was seven am, far earlier than we normally wake up.
He moaned in reply, trying to stay in slumber.
"David, wake up, c'mon I can't sleep and I'm bored..." I whispered, trying to tempt him to open up his eyes.
He rolled on his pillow so he faced  me, slowly blinking and smiling.
"Hi." He greeted.
"Hey." I replied, smiling.
"What time is it?" He groaned, getting out of bed and selecting a water from the mini fridge.
"Seven." I replied, taking a hand though my hair and re reading the message.

He crawled back under the covers and snuggled his body next to mine, resting his head on my chest despite the fact that I was far taller than him. I still stared at my phone, holding it above my face.
"What's wrong?" He whispered, rubbing my stomach and smiling softly.
"Lauren wants us to have Eric for this whole week. Do you find that weird?" I asked.
"Mhmm... that's a bit odd, but who cares, Si? If it means we can have Eric for longer then I'm pleased." He answered, kissing my lips.
"Should we get up?" I questioned to him.
"It's too early. Can we just make out?" David suggested. I burst out laughing at his bluntness, grabbing his shirt and pulling him in close to me.
"Okay." I replied.
"Maybe okay will be our always." He giggled.
"You're such a loser." I muttered, biting his lip as he pulled me on top of him.

A few hours later, David had taken Eric to Tesco to buy our food shopping, whilst I brought out my phone to call someone I hadn't spoken to in ages. Demi Lovato.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone as the ringing ended.
"Simon!" She replied excitedly.
"Hey, brat. How are you?" I laughed.
"Good, good! How's Damon? Do you ever do anything but make out?" She giggled, calling us by our ship name and referencing to the many photos of us kissing that had been put in the newspapers.
"Shut it, brat." I replied, calling her by the nickname I often used when she was on X-Factor US with me.
"So, why'd ya call?" She asked in her American drawl.
"I need a favour. You're performing at Disney World at the moment, right?"
"Yeah, why?" She asked, confused.
"There are no tickets left to get in, and we've managed to get Eric for the week and I want to surprise him and David. David's never been before, and it's his birthday tomorrow. August twentieth." I explained.
"Aww, you two are so cute. And little Eric. Look, I'll do what I can Si. I'll text you! Bye!" She called into the phone.
"Bye, brat." I grinned, just as David and Eric walked into the house.

"Daddy!" Eric squealed, jumping on me.
I laughed as he wrapped his arms around my neck.
"Daddy David brought us forty six cakes!" He squeaked excitedly.
My jaw dropped to the floor as Eric ran up to his room and I faced my sheepish looking boyfriend.

"Why the f*ck did you buy forty six cakes?" I exclaimed, grinning.
"Cause it's my forty sixth birthday tomorrow." He replied cockily, grabbing a beer from the fridge and tossing it at me, which I caught effortlessly.
"Old man." I commented.
"You're twelve years older than me, Grandpa!" He chuckled.
"You suck." I teased.
"You swallow." He replied smuttily, causing my eyes to widen, my face to redden and I shook my head in disbelief.
"How mature."
"You know it babe." He said, sticking his tongue out at me and taking a sip of his drink.

My phone binged.
From: Brat
Done :) Here's the tickets.
[file 1837389292.827]

"Dave?" I asked.
"Yeah?" He replied.
"I need to speak to you and Eric. Can you go grab him and meet me in the lounge?"
"Is everything alright, babe?" He questioned worriedly.
I smiled, kissing his lips.
"Everything's perfect."

He raced up the stairs to grab the four year old from his room and returned into the lounge.
"So, boys, as we all know it's David's birthday tomorrow."
"The most important day in the world." He boasted, dramatically flicking his hair and smirking.
"Shut it, Walliams."
"Hurry up then..." He whined in reply.

"We're going to Disney World tonight." I exclaimed. David's jaw dropped open and Eric cheered in delight, whilst David just stared at me, shocked.
"You're kidding." He whispered.
"Nope." I smirked.
He squealed with Eric, hugging me.
"Happy Birthday, baby." I told him, kissing his lips.
He grabbed Eric's hand and dragged him upstairs to pack. It was going to be a fun week.


"But I want to go on that ride!" He protested.
"David, stop acting like such a child." I commented, sticking my tongue out at him causing him to nudge me into a crowd of people.
"Seriously?" I whined as everyone who I'd bumped into started requesting photos.
He smirked, and dragged Eric towards Mickey Mouse in order to take a photo.
Eric laughed as David did elaborate skips and jumps, acting camp-ly in order to amuse the four year old boy.

Later on, the sun had set and we'd watched the fireworks, Eric sat on my shoulders and David leant into my side.
"We'd better get you to sleep, Superman." I said as we walked back to the hotel, zooming him over my head. We slotted the key into the door to reveal the gigantic rooms we had ordered. Eric's was attached onto ours with a door separating the two rooms so we could check on him if there was a problem. He was asleep before we even put him in bed.

A few hours later, David was laid in bed, my head on his chest. I looked up towards him, crawling onto his body.
"Are you excited for tomorrow?" I asked as he kissed my forehead.

"I can't wait." He smiled, pulling the light cord and resting his head on the pillow.

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