Epilogue Part 1

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Two years later

"That would be 10.70 euros mam," the cashier said. I thanked him, getting out of the store carrying the groceries. Steve liked omelet for breakfast so I got some eggs for that.

Work was hectic today. The cafe was jam packed with customers, not to mention I was still having a hard time communicating with them. I was starting to understand spanish but it was still difficult for me to speak in Spanish. I knew the basics such as 'thank you', 'welcome', the greetings, etc. But I had difficulties saying proper sentences in Spanish. But my boss was really nice about it. She told me to take my time to adjust.

Everything has changed in these two years. I was almost done with my studies, in fact I would be doing my internship next summer at a publishing house. I always wanted to work at a publishing house and I was hoping I could get a permanent job there.

I walked to the nearest mailbox to drop off my RSVP to the invitation to Sydney's baby shower. It was an unexpected pregnancy but Jasper and Sydney were thrilled when the pregnancy test came out positive. Now six months later they are having a baby shower. They sent out invitations to everyone. Finally Jasper was getting to showcase his graphics designing skills at something. I RSVP-ed no since I wasn't going to attend it. When I first came here I still used to have nightmares of the day I was abused. Everything was vivid in those dreams. But I didn't have them anymore. I was finally recovering. So I wasn't ready to go back there just yet.

I knew what I did two years ago was wrong. Sydney tried to stop me, Asher tried to stop me. Instead of being there for Asher I left him behind. Instead of staying there and fighting it with Asher by my side, I ran away from my fears. I mean Asher was broken too. He lost his child and got betrayed by his family too. But like the coward I am I left him. I wasn't worthy of his love.

I was about to drop it in the mailbox when I stopped and looked at it once again. I really wanted to go but it wasn't possible. I was missing my goddaughter's baby shower. But I didn't have any choice so I dropped the mail in the box walking away, not looking back.

I lived in an apartment close to my university and cafe. Steve must be sleeping so I unlocked the door careful not to wake him up, closing it behind me.

"Hi babe," Steve greeted me kissing me on the cheek. Steve was my roommate and my only friend here. He goes to an art school and he is also a part time model since he had the good looks and well built body, but he wasn't interested in it. The only reason he was working as a model was so that he could pay for his college as he wanted to be a famous artist one day.

"Did you get the eggs? I am in mood for some chocolate crepes," he asked.

"Mhmm," I handed him my bag of groceries.

"Thanks Mel. I don't know what I would have done without you," he said as he prepared batter for crepes parading in our kitchen only in his boxers.

"Put something on!" I said playfully throwing him his shirt.

"Oh come on. Just admit it you can't resist this," he said pointing to his abs.

"Yeah. Too bad you are gay," I said teasingly.

"By the way babe there is a man waiting for you inside your bedroom who claimed to be your husband," I froze to my place.

"What?" I asked, not believing what I was hearing.

"Yeah he has been waiting for quite a long time. In fact for quite a few hours. Damn girl I didn't know you were married."

I went up to him, grabbing him by the hand and dragging him to his room so that the person inside my room can't hear us. "You can't just let anyone inside our house just because he claimed to be my husband!" I whisper shouted at him.

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