By Daylight

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the action or fact of dying or being killed; the end of the life of a person or organism.

Chapter Two- By Daylight

Now I might have been a little unfair before. We weren't backstabbing murderers with no moral compass all of the time; in fact, we did actually have a system and punishments that were delivered when our race (of course, when I say race, I mean the politicians of our society) thought necessary.

We also had a jail and we managed to keep ourselves in satisfactory living conditions that were, unlike the humans, supplied to everyone no matter their rank in society; and despite our problems with feeding, we were actually quite a successful race. But of course, we wouldn't have been so successful if we hadn't found a way to get around certain problems -we had volunteer blood donors to satisfy our personal wants.

Well, they weren't all volunteers but the point was the same. We weren't serial killers, unreasonable or evil, despite what some people have preached and we managed to solve most of our issues.

So basically you know how I said we were just "blood sucking leaches"? I wasn't being honest. And you know how I said we were all murderers? That's not true either.

In fact some of us never kill anything in our whole lives.

And our lives are very long.

And of course, this is where it gets difficult.

Unlike the myths of us living forever, we didn't. We lived up to about 150 years as a vampire (Vlak or otherwise) before we died –only I wouldn't call it dying.

For those 150 years before we died, we had a soul. Of course we drank blood, were incredibly strong, had a few anger issues, were incredibly fast and had weird sleeping time tables (they weren't actually that weird though because we had always lived on them), we were more or less us.

Just as we had been before we had been turned from human to vampire.

Now after those 150 years we supposedly died. Of course died would mean we have stopped living but we didn't.

If the politicians and Prois (Prois was a fancy word for protectors but I preferred the name 'Clean-up Crew' because they always seemed to be able to clean up after something got messy) could get to us before we turned, then they would make sure we did die and that was what people would get told; but I knew the truth unlike so many of our population.

Of course I wasn't meant to know but I'd seen it happen.

I rubbed my neck again and flinched as the memory came back to me. I was almost still in denial even though it had happened nearly 6 years ago.

Pulling up my hair into a loose ponytail, I tied a lackey-band around it before dropping onto the floor, crossing my legs. I'd left the window open and cold air seeped through in a soft breeze, the crisp air was salty and I could hear the dull roar of the ocean only a few kilometres away. It was dark outside, clouds shadowed the moon, but I could see just fine.

I wanted to feel the water lapping against my ankles to calm my screaming emotions but I couldn't because I had to wait for Kane to come home; he'd be home soon, I assured myself.

I'd been turned a little over 7 years ago after being found by Kane and the rest of the "Clean-up Crew" with my group of 3 and we'd all been turned by one of Kane's group to make sure each species would still continue –I'd been the only one turned by a Vlak and the other 3 had been turned Spelk.

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