Among Other Things

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Chapter Five-
After a few minutes of silence, I managed to drag myself up until I was sitting, facing Flynn's knees.
"How is he still alive?"
"Does it matter? He won't be for much longer," Flynn glared at me and I frowned.
"Something obviously went wrong and you're not telling me what; if you want me to do this, then you need to tell me everything!" I hissed.
Flynn chuckled and took a step closer to me, bending down, his breath hitting my forehead, "Honestly, Karmen, I don't want you to do this. You will waste our time, probably get yourself killed and you couldn't kill him if you tried. If it was up to me, I would save time and kill you right now. So be glad it's not. Now you do what you have to do and I'll be back in a week for training. If you don't have your 3, then you're just going to die faster. Your choice Karmen."
Once upon a time, Flynn had died with me. He'd been one of the 3 who had been turned and since that, we hadn't really tried to keep in contact. Of course, I knew what they were all doing right now but other then Flynn, I hadn't talked to them in years.
And once upon a time, while I had been human, Flynn and I had had a deal that satisfied us both -a deal that ended once we became vampires and secretly I was sure he wasn't happy with me for ending it. We had never been in love with each other but at times we'd been close and at other times we'd be having sex. It was a friends with benefits relationship and that had always made us closer to each other then most others -maybe that was why we still kept in contact even after we'd been turned.
Or maybe it was because 2 weeks before we had been caught, we'd both confessed our love for each other. However with the turning, our feelings for each other seemed to die and when I'd fallen for Kane, there hadn't even been a question on who I would choose.
Something, now, that I wasn't sure if I regretted.
But unlike me, Flynn never moved on. He concentrated on his work, excelled in his job and barely ever made friends -like me, he preferred solitude- so we didn't talk very often anyway, not often enough to maintain a stable relationship anyway. And that was proved by what he had just said.
Did he really want me dead? Should it bother me that he might?
I sighed, knowing it shouldn't bother me that much and that the only thing that would change was that I now considered him a threat -only, hadn't I always?
"Flynn? Is this really going to work? If you want me dead, then how are we going to protect each other if something attacks us," I asked, not actually sure if I wanted the answer.
"I wouldn't be jumping in front of you to protect you Karmen, I'd be doing it to give you up. We aren't friends anymore, not like we used to be. This is a task I will complete with or without you coming back," Flynn's jaw clenched and I sighed.
"What happened to us Flynn?"
"You moved on," he shrugged. "I got over it."
I shook my head, "I loved you once Flynn. But it changed... We changed. So I am sorry I decided there was nothing to loose if there wasn't anything there. You know I tried with you, Flynn. Even after we turned I still messaged you, emailed you, I tried to catch up with you but you didn't want any of it! Kane gave us a go and he did everything he could for us. You can't blame this on me."
"You know, you never got any less beautiful when you turned? You were more you then anyone I'd ever seen and I still loved you so much it hurt. So you know what, Karmen? I will blame it on you. Kale made you happier then I did and I never wanted to see you unhappy or less beautiful. I never wanted you to change.
So I let you go." He frowned at me and I felt a twinge of something I hadn't felt in what seemed like a hundred years. "Of course, had I known you'd end up turning into a physcopathic bitch who I wanted dead, then maybe I would have reconsidered."
Yeah, that twinge? It was dead. Stabbed. Murdered by the same mouth that brought the twinge in the first place.
"You know, Flynn, it would probably just be easier if you killed me right now. So just do it. No one is going to care and you obviously aren't going to enjoy having me tag along for god knows how long; the feelings are returned by the way, I don't really want to hang around with you either," I grinned, leaping up to my feet and leaning onto my tippy-toes so I was equal height with him. "So fucking kill me, Flynn."
He laughed and I felt myself stiffen, "Don't flatter yourself or anything but just because I want you dead, doesn't mean I could actually kill you."
He seemed to drift off for a minute and his left hand reached out, wrapping a string of my hair around his hand, twirling it. But then the moment was ruined and he shook his head, quickly dropping his hand and giving me a scolding look, "You have one week, you need three people. I would say it's lovely talking to you but honestly, it hasn't been."
"Always the charmer," I muttered, rolling my eyes while Flynn collected his jacket and walked out of my house; not going to lie, I was very relieved when I heard the front door close and lock softy behind him.
Flynn was just another part of my past I didn't want right now.
In fact, it seemed like my past was running my life at the moment and honestly, I didn't like any of my past. Ironic because there was a time where I would have killed to go back to the past.
Now it seemed like I was living a more fucked up life then Lindsay Lohan and I didn't even know what to do anymore.
I groaned and figured that I'd just try to figure everything out after a good sleep and a hot chocolate -everything else could be put on hold for a little bit, right?

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