Chapter Four

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"Love me, hate me, I'm still an obsession"

Chapter Four-

White lights faded in and out of view as my vision focused; I squinted slightly, flinching when I felt two cords wrapped around my wrists in restraints.

My bed was hard and I felt my lower back throbbing in protest –I didn't know how long I'd been lying in here but it had been too long. I tried to break out of the restraints but they were tighter then I had originally thought; I suddenly had a memory of a very similar situation when I'd first woken up after being turned.

Kane had been sitting next to me when I'd woken up and even then his presence had reassured me. But as I looked around, I realised he wasn't here now.

And then the memories came rushing back and I gasped, my breath rugged, like I'd finally taken my first breaths after nearly drowning.


He had tried to kill me. My Kane.

I could hear a high pitch wail in the background and I cowered into my bed, suddenly frightened, I wanted the noise to go away; only then I realised it was coming from me and I was screaming.

I shut my mouth as soon as I realised that, the sound cutting off, as my mind continued to wheel in circles. It was only a few minutes later when several men and women in black suits walked into my curtained off room, followed by two doctors who were easily distinguishable by their white lab coats and name tags.

"What happened?" I screeched at them, "Kane! Where is he?"

The doctors didn't pay much attention to me, ignoring my cries, and walked straight up to me, pulling at the blue gown I was wearing to reveal my shoulder; my shoulder was covered in big white bandages but I could smell the scent of blood and I could see it slowly seeping through the bandages. They were here to change it.

Slowly they peeled off the bandages and wrapped new ones over the wound but I refused to look at it –Kane had done this. I didn't want to believe it.

I didn't think I could believe it right now; so instead, I focussed my energy on the three in the business outfits, giving them my best glare as they stood around my bed, not having said a single word since entering my room.

After taking a few rugged breaths, I managed to make my voice calm but even I couldn't hide the threat behind it, "Where is Kane? I need to know where he is."

"Do you think she wants to kill it or simply meet it? I'm not sure which is worse," the only woman looked confused and gave me a strange look. I was more concerned she had regarded him as an 'it' but I didn't reply.

Neither of the men looked at her or answered and that somehow lead me to believe she wasn't in charge right now: she wasn't the one I should be directing my questions to. The man in the middle had a black suit on with a blue tie, his receding hairline a sign of how old he was –but just because he was old, didn't mean he was in charge I realised wearily- and he was carrying a black briefcase. He was the only one that was carrying anything and that was just another indication he was not the leader. Or could he be? No, I dismissed the idea almost instantly. He was higher up then the girl and more trusted but the other man would be the one who I wanted to talk to, I decided. The leader of this group wouldn't carry the paperwork or what ever happened to be in the case, they would however, give it to their most trusted employee; and the rejection of the lady's question had been clear enough to rank her.

So I readdressed my next question to the man standing to my right, "What happened?"

The man nodded at me, seemingly impressed, "I'm pleasantly surprised by your detection work. I was wondering how long that might take you –obviously Kane taught you well. It's a shame he is no longer of use to us. And I'm sure you want to know what happened?"

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