The Unforgettable Irony of a Cop Vandalizing a Building

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ch. 11 The Unforgettable Irony of a Cop Vandalizing a Building

I stop dead in my tracks, staring ahead at the source of the light. Josh fell over back into the fountain.

"Please step out of the fountain," The voice demands. I do. Josh does, too. Once he managed to stand up again, that is. The cold nighttime air is basically hell on my sopping legs.

My hands are in the air still, as are Josh's . The light source progressively gets closer.

"You two," The light source begins. I see a smirk, and I knew exactly who it was. A grin spreads across my face. "Are under arrest," Casey and Alex stand behind him, wearing big grins.

I glance at Josh, who looks terrified. I let out a loud giggle. "Sir, why the hell has it been this long since I'd last seen you?" I lunge forward and wrap my arms around his waist. (Yes, he's that tall.)

Dylan laughs, and hugs me back. I look back at Josh, who sports a look of confusion and annoyance.

I move a piece of wet hair out of my face, stepping away from Dylan.

"Josh, this is Casey's best friend, Dylan. He likes me better, though" I say, whispering the last part. "Dylan, my partner in crime, Josh."

They both grunt hellos. "So, uh," I say.. "Why are you guys here? And why are you in a cop costume?"

Casey speaks up. "Right after you left, I woke Alex's lazy ass up and called Dylan," She explained. "Didn't want you to do anything illegal without me."

Dylan and Casey bump hips, and he wraps his arm around his shoulder. She looks taken back, then eases into his body. My Dylsey feels were off the charts.

Alex, on the other hand, is asleep on the bench.


"And then the lady was like 'I'm so sorry sir, uh ma'am,' and I almost cried laughing," Josh describes. We all erupt in laughter.

Josh ends up reciting the rest of our incredible adventure, me correcting him here and there.

Alex, who had finally awoken from her slumber, continuously gushed on about how we had* to date, and it just got more and more awkward.

"Where to next?" Dylan asks from the drivers seat. After retrieving my backpack and Josh's phone, who had hid it in a bush, we abandoned Josh's tiny Ford and piled into Dylan's spacious Range Rover.

"That abandoned building! You know, the one on 6th street?" Casey calls. "I left some of my spray paint cans there. We could vandalize some shit."

I tense up. "That's illegal," I say. "We could get arrested! Or worse; expelled!"

Dylan is the only one who laughs at my Harry Potter reference.

Josh pokes my side. "Aw!" He says, as if he's talking to an infant. "Is wittle Charlie-Warlie scawed?"

"Yes," I say.

"C'mon, Charlie," Casey says. "Don't be a buzzkill."

I glance at Josh, who gives me an encouraging smile. I reluctantly agree.

"Woo!" Casey cheers. "Vandalism! Rebellion!"

We stand inside of the abandoned building. Two of the four walls are already filled with various marks of graffiti. I have a yellow spray paint can in my right hand, a flashlight in my left.

"It's so ironic," Alex says aloud. "Dylan is dressed as a cop. And we're vandalizing stuff."

Dylan laughs.

Love at First Slice (IN SERIOUS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now