"Not Us."

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Via flutter her eyes open, someone slightly shaking her. Hoping to awake her. Well, he/she did. "Via." Somone whispers. Via's vision were still blurry. "Via. It's Isabelle. Hey."

Via's vision now clears. Isabelle standing in front of her, "Isabelle? What are you-"

"I need your help." Isabelle says. Via sits up, and looks at her hand. It was bandaged and doesn't hurt much. "Why do you need my help?" Via asks her. "Your sister is sending a Downworlder into the City of Bones, imprisoning him for a 'might have'."

"W-what do you mean?"

"They think an innocent Downworlder, who helped us save a mundane shared state secrets on Valentine's behalf." Isabelle explains further more. "There are other Shadowhunters working for Valentine, why don't they start looking for them and imprison them instead?" Via says. "They're more worried for Downworlders than their own kind turning against them."

"Which is why you need to help us." Isabelle says. Via sighs, "What do you need me to do?"

"You might wanna pick up the pace." Jace tells Isabelle, who was zipping up weapons. "You do not wanna be on my bad side right now." Isabelle scolds Jace. "Are you gonna be okay?" Jace concernly asks her sister.

"The whole world is turning upside down." Isabelle starts, "Simon turned into a vampire," Isabelle continues, "Now Meliorn might die because of some-"

"It's not anything you did. They just put a bunch of unrelated facts together, and came up with a big lie." Jace reassures the ravenhead. "I wish that made me feel better. Let's go, Via's waiting out in the back." Isabelle says.

"Wait, you invited the queen bee's sister?" Jace looks at Isabelle as if she was mad. "She has the same views as us Jace. She's on our side."

"She loves her sister too much to be on our side."

"We love Alec too. But we're conspiring against him." Jace sighs. "She better not slow us down." Both Shadowhunters walk to leave the Institute, only to be stopped by Hodge. "Where do you think you're going? It's a very dangerous time, and no one is supposed to leave the premises without express orders."

"Hodge, we were just about to-"

"Lie to me?"

"Clary needs us, Hodge. The Clave is looking for her. She could be in serious danger." Jace reasons with his mentor. "Well, in that case, I'd make a timely exit before anyone of importance notices you're gone." Hodge lets the two pass through. "We won't forget this." Jace says as they both ran off.

In the back, Via was drawing her Deflect rune. Knowing that her sister would track her. She sees Isabelle and Jace from afar and walks up to both of them. "Okay, it's time to put aside our differences and work for the greater good." Isabelle notes both of them. "Nobody is going to kill anyone tonight, alright?" Isabelle looks at both blondes. "Just for tonight." Via says. "There's something we finally agree on." Jace agrees on Via's statement.

"So what's the plan?" Via asks Isabelle. "Get Meliorn out of The Clave's hands and return him back to the Seelie Court where he'll be protected." Isabelle says. "Without killing anyone? This is going to be harder than I thought." Via says.

"Keep up, Branwell." Jace says as Via just rolls her eyes at him.


Meanwhile at the Institute, Lydia and the others were getting ready to go to the City of Bones. "Hold it. Lydia," Alec runs up to Lydia."Are you sure about this?" Alec asks the blonde.

"Do you think I'd be sending Meliorn to the Silent Brothers if I thought there was another way?" Lydia sighs, "You heard about my fiance, how he died." Lydia says.

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