The Orphanage

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 Joshua Flug, as a small boy, lived inside of an orphanage. He had always wondered who his parents where, and what they looked like. He wondered where he got his messy, black hair, or his shiny green eyes. He wondered where he got his smart nature. Sadly, he would never know. He knew he never would. 

 The orphanage wasn't a bad place at all. It was a nice place. The kids were treated nicely, the beds were comfy and the clothes they were given were always fresh and clean. Joshua never wanted to hang out with anyone else, sadly enough. He was always an outcast, messing around with silly inventions he made himself. Everytime one of the employees asked him if he wanted to play with another kid, he shook his head no and turned back to tinker with discarded things he found around the building. Yet, Joshua was content. He liked to spend his time alone. Nobody understood his inventions, anyways.

 One day, on another particularly slow day at the orphanage, Joshua was playing with his inventions in his room. His roommate had already been adopted, and left Joshua with a room to himself, which made him very happy. An employee came in idmediatly, rubbing his head affectionately. Joshua smiled and giggled. Today was his 12th birthday, and the employees usually brought in presents and a cupcake with candles that showed his age. But today, there was nothing. The employee squatted down with the 12 year old. "Joshua?" He looked up. "I hate to do this to you..." The employee sighed. "We have to send you and the remaining children on the streets..." He looked at her with wide eyes. "Wh... Why?" He asked. "The orphanage is shutting down. We haven't been able to get you kids adopted, and we have no money to keep it going." She lifted him up from the ground. "I'm really sorry, Joshua..." She said, walking out the room. Joshua kicked and screamed. "PLEASE LET ME STAY, I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE!!!" He cried, tears flowing from his face. She walked out of the building and put him down on the sidewalk. "It's for the best..." She whispered, planting a kiss on his cheek. She started to walk back to the building. "WAIT!!! DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!!!" He screamed, running to the door. She walked inside, closing the door. He ran up to the door, trying his hardest to open it. 

But the door was already locked. 

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