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 "What will impress him enough to show him I'm good enough for this job?" Joshua asked himself, pacing in the huge lab he was assigned. He picked up a book that the previous scientist left and flipped through. "There's nothing in here that will be good enough..." He sighed, when he came upon a page about life forms. His eyes carefully scanned the page, focusing on every single syllable. He dropped the book, put on his gloves, and put the goggles on over his bag. He wrote down his plans on the dry erase board, and labled it "5.0.5". "That's it..." He gaped at his plans. "I'm going to make a living creature!"

 He idmediatly set to work, spending every countless night and day he had to work on it. A new employee, Demenica (he never fully understood why she was hired in the first place...) would come in and mess around with him. She was about 16 when he was first there, with green and pink hair, a monster hoodie, and torn, striped sleeves. She would always flick him in the head, spray a water gun at him, whatever seemed to satisfy her rebellious, insane nature. She'd climb on walls and eat everything he left out. One day he just simply banned her from the lab...

 Finally, the deadline had come, and Joshua was ready, more than he had ever been. Black Hat entered the lab, a cane wrapped in his right hand. "Is your portfolio ready, Dr. Flug?" He asked with his sinister grin. "Y...Yes...Yes sir!" Joshua stuttered, walking over to the new contraption in the corner. It was a tall machine that had almost reached to the ceiling. "What is this contraption?" Black Hat asked. "Th...This, is only part of the...of the creation, sir..." Joshua answered, typing in a code on the keyboard connected to the machine. "This is going to develop a life form... The scariest life form you could ever imagine!" He said, moving his fingers for exaggeration. He confidently pressed the button to activate the machine. 

 Smoke spread across the room. Black Hat coughed, but kept his eyes on the towering machine. Joshua made his way to stand beside his boss in triumph. The smoke cleared, and a giant figure appeared from the shadows. "I present to you... 5.0.5!!" Joshua called, as a giant, cute, light-blue bear with a flower on his head emerged. 

Dr. Flug's Backstory (FANON)Where stories live. Discover now