letter 6

12 1 0

I uttered goodbye to someone I never really had. And it was.. really really painful. It's an excruciating process to say goodbye to someone you thought you had a chance with. It's too much. The fact that it ended before it even begun. It leaves a very deep scar in your heart.
I honestly don't know how to properly say goodbye to someone I never really had.
But this is what I did, I looked straight in his eyes, and i told him how i felt. I told him everything. And then I said goodbye. And I left without any regrets. I was broken hearted. But I wasn't utterly destroyed.
It was painful. But I survived because I know I didn't gave up on him without a fight, I know I did everything I could, I know I gave everything I have left. So I guess, that's how you say goodbye to someone you never really had.
You do it without any regrets.

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