I wanted to grab my phone and call him." she stared at the photo she's been holding for hours. She's talking to her best friend, telling her about all the things she had been feeling these past few days. It had been a silent week for her. A week of gloomy days and drizzles from the grayish skies. A week of starless night and moonless sleep. A week of feelings she can't truly describe." I don't know the exact reason why I'm saying this to you. But I really wanted to talk to him. I need to hear his voice. I need to know that he's doing fine. I need him to tell me that everything is going to be all right. I don't know but now I feel that maybe, I need to hear it directly from him. Maybe he should tell me that he's not coming back. That he's going to avoid me forever even if we happen to cross each other's path again in the future. Maybe he should tell me that everything is going to change and I can't do anything about it. That I can't make the impossible things happen, the way I wanted them to. I know he said it already, but maybe I need to hear it again and again, until it knocked me back to my senses. Until I believed that it was real. Until I believed that it was not just the scariest nightmare I've been through. Maybe someone needs to remind me that I need to finally loosen my grip to this photograph of him. That he's no longer happy to be with me. That I need to finally let him go. For real.