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The deafening sound of the bass as Radioactive plays and the blinding sight of the strobe lights kept me awake, though I was already knackered from the alcohol I've been drinking, I feel like at any time now, I can collapse and sleep on the floor.

Zayn and Niall wanted me to at least celebrate my victory even though I knew I should be at least planning something in case something bad happens, but honestly, I knew I was just being paranoid, Harry is in jail  and he's not going out of there until the day he dies, which is good, because he deserves to die.

I smile and gulped down an entire bottle of whiskey, He's going to die and for once in my life this town will look forward for someone like him to die, harsh, but it's true, the whole town hates his guts, I don't even know why after all of the crimes he committed and all of the things he escaped, why did he still stayed here?

Probably some psychopathic shit of some sort that I won't fully understand unless I'm actually witnessing it for myself, in all honesty, whatever kind of thing he thinks about or does as of this moment or any thought that has gone through his insane mind, I won't care and I don't care.

A tap on my shoulder made me flinch and I pushed myself away.

"Woah, Lou, It's just me" Zayn says

I took a deep breath, I am getting paranoid.

"Sorry, I'm kind of jumpy, probably just the alcohol" I said, I'm lying, I'm jumpy because I'm scared Harry will be here to kill me, even though I already reassured myself that I will be okay, guess a talk with yourself isn't really a big help.

"Haha, speaking of alcohol, I'm knackered, thought we could just ride a cab and sleep at your place for a while, none of us is allowed to drive like this, none of us are actually going to have the guts to drive" He says, chuckling to himself afterwards.

"Alright then, maybe we should just get going now, it's already late anyways" I said

"Okay, I'll go get Niall"

"Where is Niall?"

"He drank too much even his Irish blood couldn't take it, he started teasing the old men in the corner to strip him, it was hilarious, I bet he's not even going to remember it tomorrow"

"Oh, so he's okay?"

"Yeah, he's right there" Zayn says pointing at the floor

Niall was plastered on the ground, knocked out.

"the old men punched him in the face, he fainted and fell on the floor, I left him there because I'm too lazy to put him anywhere else"

I look at Zayn, one eyebrow raised "Really, Zayn, Really?"

Zayn shrugs and walks towards where Niall is fully sleeping.

Convicted I : ls auWhere stories live. Discover now