Author's Note ~ Sequel?

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Hello, I told you guys I'll upload an author's note about the sequel soon so here you go

First of all I would like to thank all of you for the endless support for this book, I never thought this would actually be a book that anyone will read, but I'm glad it did.

Second, about the sequel, I will not be posting the sequel soon, I'll probably post a *coming soon* sequel and you guys could read the synopsis and the prologue but that is it for now, I would want to finish the two books I am dealing with before I could finish this series, I hope you guys don't mind. Oh and by the way, this Is my first time doing a series, so yeah : )

Again Thanks for the support here is the Introduction for Convicted II : )


It was Louis' turn now.

It was his turn to figure everything out, even if he had to do something he was against at in the first place,

Yes, he already figured out that Harry wasn't dead after all, he was hiding somewhere, probably kidnapped and he had to know where he is, he needs to know, he couldn't sleep at all just by thinking that Harry was somewhere out there probably hurt … hopefully not.

Louis was not in the most balanced mind to plot a revenge and a murder against people who might be or who might have already hurt Harry, but he was desperate to find out where he is, so he didn't really care.

He isn't the Louis he remembers, but he is glad of what he had become, no one is going to stop him now. He's never going to stop until he finds Harry, even if it puts him in a jail, even if he becomes convicted.


Copyright of ShippingxLarry 2014 || Convicted II *coming soon*


I didn't put anything else in the introduction 'cause it will ruin the plot. Anyways, hope you guys have a great day, thanks again for the support, I love you all, and see you in the next book, BYE : )

Ps: The synopsis will be edited out by the way, 'cause I'm still fixing on it : )

Convicted I : ls auWhere stories live. Discover now