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Life is a beautiful lie, Death is an ugly truth.

Louis realized that as he stared at the sight in front of him, he screamed not because Harry was there kneeling in front of his dead friend, but because he wanted to make sure that he wasn't dreaming, it was real, this is real, this is the life Louis have always thought to be "beautiful" but let's all face it, our lives are just full of lies, so no matter what your life brings you to, there will always be an end, death.

Niall's dead, Harry's alive, that's what's important, Louis knew it, he thought of it, he placed it in his mind and locked it, he didn't want the lies anymore, he wanted to hold on just to one little thing that is keeping him from snapping… Harry.


"L-louis.. Please, don't look at it, I -- can explain" Harry said in between ragged breaths.

I walked over to him and took a deep breath, which was a wrong idea, the stench of the blood made my stomach churn, I shrugged it off, and bended over to pick Harry up in his shoulders, Harry lets me take him away from the horrible scene and into my room, we walked slowly to the bathroom, I sat him on the toilet, he covered his face with his bloody hands and continued to sob.

I grabbed a spare cloth and grabbed a small tub and filled it with water, I grabbed the alcohol bottle in the medicine cabinet and placed it on the floor right next to the toilet, I did the same to the tub filled with water, I grabbed Harry's hands away from him and wiped his tears, he just bowed his head down in surrender.

I grabbed his shirt and pulled it off of him, I grabbed the cloth and dipped it fully in the water, I rinsed the blood off of Harry's chest and arms, I grabbed his trousers and gestured for him to stand up, he did, I pulled it off, I lathered his whole body with the cloth and when I finished I grabbed the tub and the cloth and dumped it in the corner, if I have done this to Harry in the shower, he would've gotten a cold, a shower is not good with the stress he has, it'll release more of it.

I grabbed the alcohol bottle and lathered it on his hands and wrists, for safety.

"Louis?" He asks


"I -- why are you not angry?" He says in a hushed tone

"I am. But not at you" I simply explained.

He cocked an eyebrow at me and grabbed both of my shoulders.

"Louis, you DO know this isn't a dream right" He asks, it sounded more like a command than a question

I just nod.

"Why are you acting so calm!" He shouts.

I covered his mouth with my hands, when his breathing calmed down, I sat on his lap, straddling him and hugged him tightly.

"Because, as of now, I need an explanation, I don't think being angry will be able to help me get that Harry"

Convicted I : ls auWhere stories live. Discover now