Fame Whore

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   This chapter features characters who dont talk that much



    I woke up, went upstairs to find that it was 5pm. "oh sophia you were so drunk last night you threatened helena but I know you didn't mean it" Briana said. "I really did threaten her I meant it...whats for lunch?" I asked her. She looked at me really weirdly. "wheres the lunch!!?"I shouted at her. "Its in the kitchen were having chicken pot pie helena made it" She said. "The bitch can talk shit and cook what next anyways i'll make my noodles can't eat shit which she made did she wash her hands? she probably fingers her self with those hands" I noticed that the chef was overhearing me. I looked at her "what...your acting like you've seen the devil" I said. She came in and slapped me "you just made a big mistake.

                                                                        Cottys POV

                   I went upstairs and saw sophia beating up helena. Helena passed out then sophia stops beating her. All the girls walk in "she slapped me I told her not to mess with me" Sophia said. "is she dead" everyone asked. Master (Hulio) came in and looked at sophia. "what have you done" He asked.

"its her fault she thought she can't win a fight" Sophia said and left the room.

                                                                       Alices POV

 I looked at Jane and Joanna they both look shocked  then there was a knock at the door.  Now everybody looked over who knocks?                    

 Master went downstairs and opened the door  there Harry Styles was. I looked at sophia and noticed she seemed very happy.

                                                                   SOPHIAs POV

I think its time I get sold. "its time I get my girls" He said. "girls? so now you want more then sophia" Hulio said.

When he said "girls" that part made me almost cry. Well not cry but I  cant have more than one in the one direction house. He looked at Batty B and Ming. "us" they said. Well Im happy couse there my two best friends. "yes you two....uh what ever your name is i'll take these 3" he said.

"That will be 500,000 dollars" Hulio said.

"You have cash right?" Hulio asked. "of course now I need to make an excuse to the paparazzi of why I was in Dallas" He said.

He pronounces it so funny "daawlas" anyways hes british so I understand.

Harry went and got his briefcase full of money I will be seeing more of that.

"get in the car girls" Harry said. "Oh I thought i've been sold". "yeah shes coming with me" Harry said.

"sorry I cant let this one go her mother warned me, when I was buying her that she is a fame whore".

I can't believe this my mom sold me well our relationship was bad. Once she made me sleep outside. I met a nice man who let me sleep at his place, but that man had a price. The price that every man has these days.

Im not shocked or hurt.

The real matter is if im going with Harry or not.

"Im sorry Harry but I refuse sophia is mine" 

"No its fine its your rules now I leave" He walked out and went to his car.

                                                                    BRIANAS POV

Wow what a scene Sophia is really angry. When she stormed out I followed her and she took 2 sleeping pills. I dunno why but I guess she wants to sleep.

                                                              4 MONTHS LATER

                                                              NO ONES POV

Its 4 months since batty b and ming left and Sophia was really tired of being locked in. "Uhm Hulio can we go outside for a little..im literally turning grey" Hulio inturupted sophia and said "no! fame whore!". Sophia didnt even hesitate to try again and she left the room.

She goes downstairs to discuss with the girls.

"Guys.....lets kill Hulio no jokes lets kill him"

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