6. Not Your Type

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Dana opened her eyes to see Wyatt staring back at her from across the room, she frowned, "What? What's wrong?"

He motioned to Gary who had his arms wrapped around her, and was beginning to wake up, "Wyatt, did anyone ever tell you it's creepy to watch people sleep?" he yawned, his grip tightening on Dana.

When he realised someone was next to him, he opened his eyes to see Dana, who was wearing the t-shirt he was wearing the day before.

He shot up, "Woah, woah, woah, why are you in my bed? And in my t-shirt? What did we do last night?" he asked, his eyes getting wider with each question.

Dana sat up, stretching, "Would you calm down! Nothing happened!" she rolled her eyes, climbing out of bed.

"Then why are you in my shirt?" he shrieked.

"Because, last night, after you asked me to cuddle by the way, I complained that my dress was uncomfortable and you said I could borrow your shirt," she shrugged, turning to face him.

Gary furrowed his eyebrows, "I don't remember that," he muttered.

"Bet you don't remember all the flirting either, then," Dana smirked, although she felt slightly disappointed.

"Flirting?! What-"

"Guys! Where's Lisa?" Wyatt interjected, causing both to frown in thought.

Dana sat next to Gary, "I don't know, maybe it was a dream," she shrugged.

Wyatt nodded in agreement, "The whole thing, last night, with Lisa, it had to be a dream,"

"It can't be a dream," Gary stated, "We were all in it! How can three people have the same dream? Plus, why would I dream about Dana?" he chuckled.

Dana also chuckled, although she felt really awkward, "Yeah," she scoffed, "And why would I dream about Gary?"

"Right!" Gary agreed, the two chuckled awkwardly at each other before trailing off, not knowing what to say next.

Wyatt shrugged, "There's no other explanation, it had to be a dream,"

Gary sighed, "Wait, let's analyse this, okay, in your guys' dream, did I get up in the middle of the night and yack in your sink?" the two shook their heads, "You didn't see anything? Then maybe it was a dream," he led back down, "A very weird, bizarre, vivid, erotic, wet, detailed dream," he shook his head, "Maybe we have malaria,"

"Shit," Wyatt muttered, as he stood up to go to the bathroom.

Once he saw what Wyatt was wearing, Gary shot up and Dana's eyes widened, "Was he wearing-"

"Women's underwear?" Dana finished, before nodding, "Yep,"

"Gary, Dana, Wyatt, breakfast!" Lisa called from downstairs.

"Not a dream," Dana whispered.

Gary turned to face her, clearing his throat, "So, about last night, if it wasn't a dream, then whatever I said-"

Dana rolled her eyes, "You were drunk Gary, I get it," she said, walking into the bathroom to get changed.

She sighed once she had locked the door, she couldn't help but feel disappointed that what Lisa had said wasn't true. Oh well, she thought, hating him seemed like the easier option anyway.


That day, Lisa had dragged the three out to the mall, mainly because she wanted to take Dana shopping for new clothes.

As the four walked through the doors of the large building, Lisa smirked, devising a plan in her head. She pointed out a boy near them, "He's hot, totally your type Dana,"

Dana looked up, "What are you doing?" She muttered.

"Well, if you supposedly 'don't like Gary', then maybe we should set you up with someone else," Lisa muttered back, so that Gary couldn't hear, then she said more loudly, "What about him, in the red jumper?"

"Lisa no, I- wow he is cute,"

Gary looked up at the boy they were gawking over and scoffed, "Pfft, yeah, he may be cute but he's totally not your type," he stated.

Dana crossed her arms, "What? And you are?"

Gary shrugged, "Well, we certainly have a lot more in common, I mean, look at him, he's a complete-"



Lisa cleared her throat, interrupting the two, "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were jealous Gary,"

Gary's eyes widened slightly, "Jealous? Of what? A complete moron? C'mon, Wyatt let's go," he then grabbed Wyatt and dragged him off into what looked like a perfume store.

Lisa looked smugly to Dana, "He so likes you,"

Dana rolled her eyes, "You have no idea what you're talking about,"

"C'mon," Lisa sighed, "Lets buy some clothes,"


Gary and Wyatt had now wandered off somewhere, so Dana was stuck with Lisa in a lingerie shop.

Dana stood, glancing around awkwardly, as Lisa picked up a pair of black lace underwear, "If you were a fifteen-year-old boy, would these turn you on?" she asked the old lady at the counter. The woman didn't reply, but instead looked very creeped out, "I think so too, I'll take them," Lisa smiled, "Do you have a bra to match that? Something in leather, or rubber, or barbed-wire? No? Okay,"

She paid the lady and then walked over to Dana, "Okay, lets revamp your wardrobe,"

"Look, Lisa, we really don't have to-"

"Of course we do!" Lisa interjected, "Once Gary sees you all made up, he'll definitely admit his true feelings for you,"

Dana sighed, "I've told you, me and Gary do not have feelings for each other,"

"Oh, fine," Lisa huffed, "But I'm still buying you a whole new outfit for the party tonight," she finished, walking out of the store.

Dana followed her, "Wait-party?"

I know this is a short chapter, but I've actually finished writing this book so I'll post updates way more regularly now :)

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