11. Back To Normal

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"Gary, how fast are you going?" Dana asked, holding on tightly to the car as Gary sped the Ferrari down the road.

Gary shrugged, "About thirty-five,"

They zoomed past some police officers, who instantly started to chase after them, their siren's flashing.

"This can't be right," Gary muttered looking behind the steering wheel.

"Gary, I think you were looking at the wrong one,"

"And I think I'm looking at about fifty tickets,"

Gary sped ahead of the police, who still weren't very far behind, and made a quick U-turn at the end of the road, the two teens waving as they passed the police car, who got stuck behind the train tracks.

The two sighed in relief, "That was awesome," Dana stated, kissing Gary's cheek.

He pulled into a free parking space at the sidewalk, and took the car keys out of the ignition. Both Gary and Dana looked at each other, chuckling to themselves.

"Hey, Gary?" Gary looked up at Dana, who smiled, "So, uh, last night, you said something about love-"

Gary scoffed, his cheeks turning red, "Love? What? No, I didn't-did I say that?" Dana raised her eyebrows, "Well, it might have come up," she folded her arms and leant back on her seat, and finally, Gary gave in, "Fine! Okay, I guess, well, look, I've always had this thing for you, and being with you this weekend kinda made me realise that it might be," he cleared his throat, "It might be love,"

Dana grinned, looking down at her hands in her lap, "What about what you said in the gym? About Deb falling in love with you?"

Gary chuckled, placing his hand on hers, "I never liked Deb, I just couldn't say I wanted you to fall in love with me, I mean, you were there, it would've been embarrassing, plus, I was sure we hated each other,"

"Funny how things can change," Dana stated, looking up at the blonde teen sat next to her.

Gary cleared his throat, "Actually, uh, I've been meaning to apologise to you, I'm, uh, I'm sorry for all the mean things I said," he chuckled, "I'm just not good at having crushes, I guess,"

"I'm sorry too," she sighed, "I guess, I'm not good with crushes either,"

With that, Gary leaned into Dana, placing a gentle kiss on her lips. She pulled away for a second, "Oh, and, I love you too, by the way," she smirked, before resuming their kiss.


Gary and Dana pulled into Wyatt's driveway, to see Wyatt leaning on the Porsche.

"Well?" Gary asked, as he got out of the car.

Wyatt sighed, "I'm in love,"

As Dana walked around the car to meet Gary, he put his arm around her, "It's great isn't it," he smiled down at Dana, who pecked his lips.

She chuckled, "I never thought I'd fall in love with someone I used to hate,"

"Hey!" Gary frowned, although he couldn't stop a smile breaking through.

"I said 'used to' didn't I?" Dana smirked, nuzzling her head into Gary's shoulder.

"You know, I think things are turning around for us," Gary smiled, "I mean it,"

"What about Lisa?" Wyatt asked, as the three leaned on the car.

"I think we'll have to have a talk with her," Gary stated.

"Do you think she'll understand?" Dana asked. She had to admit, even though Lisa was a pain at times, she was definitely going to miss her.

Gary held her hand as the three walked towards Wyatt's house, "I think so, I mean, uh, I sure as hell wouldn't wanna date Wyatt,"


"You're not my type, ya know,"


"Chet?" Wyatt called, as they entered his house, "Chet?"

The three then turned to see a massive, green, disgusting alien-like creature sat by the stairs, "Hi dudes!"

They slowly walked towards it, their eyes wide.

"I'm sorry Wyatt, I'm sorry for acting really shit to you all these years, and I want you to know that, uh, I love you," Chet, the weird alien thing, stated, before making barfing noises.

"That's nasty, Wyatt," Dana said.

Wyatt shrugged, "That's Chet, Dana,"


The three found Lisa in Wyatt's room, putting some makeup on, "Lisa, are you responsible for Chet?"

As Lisa backcombed her hair, she smirked, "Yes, I am,"

Wyatt shook his head, "Lisa, we can't have him like that, it would ruin Christmas,"

Smiling, Lisa turned to face the three, "Listen, he's gonna be fine in half an hour, he's not gonna spoil Christmas, and he's not gonna bug you anymore either."

"Um, Lisa, we have to have a talk with you,"

"What's on your mind?"

"I really don't know how to say this to you," Gary stammered.

Lisa smiled, looking down at Gary and Dana's hands, "You guys found girlfriends, right? You've fell in love with two girls, and they've fell in love with you," she chuckled, shaking her head, "That's all I ever wanted for you,"

"You're not hurt?"

"Yeah, sure I'm hurt," she shrugged, "but I wouldn't change it, I'm really just getting off seeing you two guys straightened out, you as well Dana, I think I gave all of you a little self-confidence," she sighed, her eyes brimming with tears, "I have to go,"

She walked forwards, giving Gary and Dana a hug, "I knew you two would end up together," she muttered, "And it took you long enough," she smiled when she pulled away.

She then hugged Wyatt, "I've had a wonderful time," she stated, pulling away from him, and walking towards the door.

"Wait, Lisa," Lisa turned to face Dana, "Thank you, for everything."

Lisa chuckled and blew them a kiss, before there was a puff of smoke and she disappeared.

A squeaking sound echoed throughout the room, and the three turned to see the missile disappearing, "I think the house is going back to normal," Dana said, as Wyatt and Gary both smiled at each other.

"Guys! We're home," They heard Wyatt's dad call.

They walked down the stairs, permanent smiles on their faces, and greeted Wyatt's parents with hugs and 'nice to see you's'

"So what did you three do this weekend?" Wyatt's mom asked.

The three looked at each other, shrugging, "Not much, we just hung around the house,"

"Your dad had this sneaking suspicion you guys might throw a party, or do something nutty,"

"Not us,"

"Not here,"

"No way,"

His mom chuckled, beginning to walk to the kitchen, "Oh, Dana, me and your mom were talking, I hope yours and Gary's date went well,"

Both Gary and Dana smiled at each other, Gary wrapping his arm around Dana's shoulders,

"It went very well, Mrs Donnelly,"

So that's this book finished! I had already written the ending a while ago so I decided to just upload it all at once. I hope you enjoyed it and thanks for reading :)

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