9. Mutants

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Screaming was heard throughout the house, as a motorcycle gang crashed Wyatt's party. Dana watched as one of them smashed a glass against his head, and as another rid up the stairs.

She looked to Gary, who was stood near the staircase. He screamed, as one of the motorcycles chased him down the stairs and stumbled backwards, before doing what looked like a backwards roly-poly, and landing on the floor.

The motorbike rammed past him, and Dana ran over, "Oh shit, are you okay?"

He looked in her eyes for a second, taking note of how worried she seemed. When he noticed he had been staring for a second too long, he cleared his throat, "Yep, fine, totally fine," he said, standing up and leaning on the banister.

"Gary!" Wyatt yelled, running over to the two, "Gary, listen, there are motorcycles in my house!"

"Wyatt," Dana yelled back, "There are killer mutants in your house, don't you think that's more important!"

The motorcycles all stopped as the leader walked in, Gary and Wyatt both looked at each other, before saying, "Screw the house," and running off to hide.

"Wait-guys, you can't just-"

"Watch us,"

Dana sighed and stood by one of the groups that were watching the leader anxiously, as he slowly walked in the room. She leaned against the wall, biting her nails – which is what she usually did when she was nervous.

The leader screamed an ear-shattering scream, and he held up his weapon, smirking at everyone menacingly.


Lisa opened the cupboard Gary and Wyatt were hiding in, and stared at them disapprovingly, "Guys, you have uninvited guests, I think you'd better come out and ask them to leave, they're getting pretty rowdy,"

They jumped as one of the gang punched a wall near them, "This is an excellent chance for you to prove your bravery and courage," Lisa continued.

"Those are outdated concepts, alright?" Gary replied, as he shut the door to the cupboard.

Lisa opened the door again, "Don't let John Wayne hear you say that,"

"The man is dead Lisa, okay?" Gary snapped back, shutting the door.

"Well so are you if you don't deal with this situation," Lisa reasoned, opening the door again.

Gary and Wyatt raised their eyebrows, "No thanks,"

Lisa leaned against the door, "Dana's out there Gary, what if something happens to her?"

Gary hesitated, before saying, "She's a strong girl, she can handle herself,"

"Gary, do you feel like a chicken?" Wyatt muttered.

Gary rolled his eyes, "Wyatt, if I could shoot an egg out of my ass right now, I would,"

"But what about all these people? Will they think we're cowards?"

Gary shrugged, "I don't know, but we can deal with shame, okay? Death is a much deeper issue,"

"But, Dana will think you're a loser,"

"I'm pretty sure she already does," Gary said bitterly.

The two then yelled out in fear as one of the mutants punched the wall behind them; he grabbed Wyatt by the collar and pulled him out of the closet, Gary climbing out sheepishly after him.

The mutant grabbed his tie, and pulled him towards Wyatt, so that the two were standing next to each other against the wall.

Dana stood near Deb and Hilly, the three girls were terrified.

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