Meeting the Girls and Him

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Kyle ^^^^^^

It was a lot to take in. Walking into the mansion was almost like walking in heaven. The ceiling was high up with shiny, beautiful chandeliers connected to them. 2 spiral staircases on either side of the first room. Not to mention the room was the size of a football field.

"Follow me," Mr. Patrick snaps me out of my trance with the mansion. He walks me to a dining room with an extremely stretched table and 5

chairs. But the thing that really caught my eyes were the beautiful women sitting in 3 of the chairs. They all stared back at me as Mr. Patrick pulled out the expensive chair, signaling me to sit. As I sit down, I look at the end of the table where the only empty chair is. I assume that is where Kyle is sitting.

"Mr. Chase will be coming out in a minute," Mr. Patrick announced as he left.

The room was filled with awkwardness. I look to the first woman who is sitting across from me. She has pale skin and beautifully painted on rainbow freckles. But the most distinguishing feature of her was her blue bob hair that reached to her shoulders. Her hair framed her face perfectly. She looks up, making eye contact with me, and slyly smiles, swiping her bangs slightly off her face.

The next girl is sitting next to me. She has medium-length black hair that reaches the middle of her back. Her jawline is very nice and defined. But her skin tone is a little lighter than mines. She had beautiful monolid eyes. This girl's lips, though, are 100% perfect. Not even Kylie Jenner's lips could compare. She wore minimal makeup but some lip gloss.

The last girl in the room, who is sitting diagonally away from me, is the next to catch my attention. Her dark skin complements her light hazel eyes. She wore winged eyeliner and makeup that looks like it was professionally put on her face. Her breast was the next thing to catch my eye. The dress she wore today really does help put her cleavage out there. But nonetheless, she was as beautiful as the other two girls.

The room remains quiet until we finally hear a door open. We snap our heads to see who it is, and it's the one and only. Kyle Chase. The mysterious man that I spent all last night researching is now standing feet away. He is absolutely breathtaking, with his short brown hair and chiseled features. He wore an expensive-looking suit and had a smile plastered on his face. He comes in, sitting down in the chair at the end of the table. Beauty consumes the room; I am definitely not worthy of being here.

"Hello," he starts off speaking. "So, you all are already aware of my proposition. Right now, I am about to bring out the contracts to make this official. I would like to start as soon as possible. Before all that, I would like to get to know you, ladies, a bit," he looks at the dark skin girl first.

She gives him a confident smile. "I'm Rachel. I'm in college for cosmetology, and I want to be a professional makeup artist." She gives Kyle a flirty look and slightly gives the rest of us a dirty look. Kyle didn't seem to notice at he was now fixated on the Asian girl, asking about her.

" And you?"

"I'm Suki. I am in med school studying to be a doctor. And I'm Korean." Suki seems a bit shy since she really didn't say much.

"What about you?" He asked the blue hair girl.

"I'm Billie. And I'm studying to be an engineer."

"Really?" said Kyle intrigued.

"Yeah, it's been my passion since forever." Billie gave out a charming smile, but I couldn't help but notice Rachel's look at her. Is she mad or something?

"What about you, beautiful?" He looks at me, and I immediately blush profusely.

"Um, I'm Elena. I am 100% Puerto Rican, and I'm in law school." I smiled, looking down. I look up, getting a glimpse of him looking at me.

"Well, you all know about me, I assume," Kyle said confidently. "I'll be back with the contracts now." He just gets up and walks out, leaving us to ourselves and knowing damn well that we are going to be spending a lot of time with each other.

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