Hate You

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My Saturday morning started with the beeping of my alarm clock.

7:00 am.

Time to start this day. Of course I shower and put on some jean shorts with a oversized NASA hoodie with a pair of vans and place my hair into a ponytail. I wouldn't dress this causal if I was going to spend the day with Kyle but he go into detail about today.

As soon as I shove my phone in my pocket, I hear a knock at my door. I go to open it and then immediately get a face full of Billie. She barges in and wraps her arms around me to kiss me.

I pull back from shock and chuckle.

"Good morning to you too."

"I'm sorry. It's just that I wanted to do that since last night," Billie shrugs and smiles. I looked down towards the blue haired girl and couldn't help but smile back.

"Listen Billie. I like you a lot but we have to stop with this. It's against our contract with Kyle and if he finds out about this who knows what will happen."

"You're right but Elena, I just like you so damn much." She replies back in a low tone.

"I like you too," I say in return causing us to giggle like school girls. "Let's go downstairs."

As Billie and I make our way downstairs we are greeted by Suki. She was sat on a chair was a bowl of cereal in hands while wearing black jeans, a t shirt and a denim jacket. "I hope you guys rested well."

"I did!" Billie excitedly said as she plopped herself on the couch. We all began to talk to each other and think about what Kyle had planned. I know I just met Suki and Billie but it's like I have known them for a long time. Our conversation is then interrupted by the ding of the elevator and the entering of an evil banshee, Rachel.

She walks in the room wearing ripped jeans, a crop top, and a dad hat.

"Morning bitches." She says while retrieving a water bottle.

"Isn't it a bit too early to be talking to yourself, Rachel?" I reply.

"Cry me a river." She turns and take a sip of her water.

"You know that Suki, Billie and I all get along. I don't know why you act like this."

"Because I can." She condescendingly smiles.

"Dude, we are all equal here. There is know point of acting like your a queen. We have all gotten paid, we have all gotten new phones, he have all had sex with Kyle, we have all signed a contract." Billie turns to Rachel angrily which is new. Rachel's face then drops to a frown.

"Wait. You all had sex with Kyle?" She seems shocked.

"Yeah. Haven't you?" Billie replies back.

"No." Rachel seemed confused.

"Well, maybe you aren't that special after all." I cross my arms and smirk. And right on cue the elevator door open again to reveal, Kyle.

"Hello beautifuls." He smiles kisses us each. When he kisses Rachel there is a notable mad expression on her face but Kyle doesn't notice.

We each say hello to Kyle and await what he says next.

"So today I decided to try to get some time with each of you, meaning that today Suki, Billie and I are going to spend the day together and tomorrow Elena, Rachel and I will spend the day together. That way I have more individual time with you all."

"What does that mean I have to stay here with Rachel alone?" I quickly point out.

"Is that a problem?" Kyle looks down at me with a low tone. Fear quickly resides in me and I say no.

"Billie, Suki, can you wait in the car while I'll talk to Elena and Rachel." They nod their heads and say "Yes, Sir.", as they walk away, leaving Rachel, Kyle and I alone.

"I'm going to be gone the whole day. I expect you too to get along. If I dare hear one bad report from Patrick I will end both of you in spankings, whipping and humiliation. Is that understood?"

We both look down and whisper "Yes, Sir."
"Good then. I will see you later." He kisses us both and leaves.

Rachel and I give eachother dirty looks.

"I fucking hate you." She says.

"I know."

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