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I curl up to the silk sheets beneath me. I was having trouble sleeping as I check my phone for the tenth time of the night. I decided that I would go for a walk instead around the mansion as I think about my date with Kyle and Rachel that was suppose to happen today.

It's around 2 am and I'm pretty certain everyone was asleep. I wandered the grand mansion in search of a midnight snack. I walked down the spiral staircase that led to the first level. I brushed my messy brown hair back from my eyes to see a light coming from the kitchen. As I approached the kitchen the monster himself was standing in front of the fridge.... Mr. Patrick.

His usual suit was gone, so was his usual smile. His sleeves were rolled up as he held a tub of ice cream in his hands. His expression was serious and grim, he looked me dead in the eyes as he spoke to me.

"Looking for something?" He puts his ice cream down and crossed his arms, his veins were popping out his neck. I stood there in my PJs and quietly anticipated what he was gonna say. "Nothing to say, huh? Well, let me tell you something. If you ever come between me and Rachel's plans..."

"Woah there buddy. You're the one being shady with Kyle and everything." I responded before he finished his sentence.

"Yeah and it's none of your fucking business." he angrily spoke as he took a step closer to me, I tried to back away. "You think blackmail is going to work. I will fucking kill you before you get the chance." At this point, I was backed against a wall and Mr.Patrick towered over me. I tried to push him away but he grabbed my hands, stopping me from doing so. "Poke your nose in my business again, and I'll rip it off of your pretty little face." He whispered the last threat to me as he walking away from the dimly lit kitchen and disappeared into the darkness of the massive palace. He left me speechless, my heart raced faster than anything. Doubt filled my mind as I questioned whether or not I should tell Kyle anything. I'm already too deep in this rabbit hole.

I walk back to my bed and try to find slumber.

I wake up to my door opening up. I get terrified thinking that it's Mr.Patrick or Rachel trying to kill me but instead, I'm met with Kyle. What?

"Hello, beautiful." he walks into my room and approaches me. I'm still in my PJs, hair is a mess and I look like a naked mole rat.

"Good morning, sir," I keep my head down as he stands over my side of the bed and lifts my head up so I make eye contact with him. He is as handsome as always. He lays a kiss on my forehead and proceeds to talk.

"Get ready, Rachel, you and I are going to the beach today." The beach. That actually sounds perfect for a hot June day.

"Okay." Kyle smiles towards me and walks away. I go through my closet for a bikini and other clothes, along with towels, sunscreen, and other items. I stroll down to the first floor. Over my bikini is a white crop top with jean shorts and sandals. Making my way to the living room, I see Billie.

"Holy shit." She smiles. "You look great." She and I are the only people I the living room. I check my surroundings to make sure everything is clear and I grab Billie and pull her in for a kiss. She kisses back hungrily as we giggle together. We eventually stop to eat breakfast and talk. I want to tell her everything, about Mr.Patrick, Rachel, the threats, but I chose to keep it to myself instead.

"You excited for your beach date?" She asked as she bit into an apple.

"Not exactly. Rachel is still a bitch." We both laugh and continue on until we hear footsteps behind us. I turn my head to see Mr.Patrick behind us.

"Good morning ladies," He acts casually.

"Morning Patty," Billie says joking causing him to smirk. I sit there with my cereal in front of me, not saying anything. Billie shoots me a confused look but we are stopped with Rachel and Kyle walking with their beach attire. Rachel wore a red one-piece bathing suit with a kimono on top Kyle wore shorts and a t-shirt, which is really rare to him to wear. He seems more laid back and happy today. Probably because he had such a great time yesterday with Suki and Billie.

"Ready to go, Elena?" He asked me. I smile and nod as I get up and collect my things. I walked to the front door and look back to wave at Billie. As I step out the door with Rachel and Kyle I catch a glimpse of Mr.Patrick's face. His subtle smile sends shivers down my spine as I walk out the door. I can't think about anything else but that sinister smile of his.

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