Chapter One

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Gerard's POV

I walked up to the doors of hell- I mean school when I tripped tripped on someone's lil footsie and smashed ribs on the steps. Cement fucking steps I might add.

"Oh, shit! I'm so sorry!" Some dude who's in my math class yelled, panicked, and helped me up. "Nah, I'm fine. Don't worry about it.... uh..."

"Ryan, Ryan Ross. I'm in your math class" he said with a smile and I smiled back. I hoped I would remember his name because that was really fuckin awkward.

"Look, I'm really sorry. I really didn't mean to trip you, that probably hurt like hell." He said, still kind of panicked.

"No, it's really- it's fine, like yeah it feels like my ribs got turned into sawdust, but like whatever. I don't care."

I did care, it hurts so fucking bad. I would rather have actual Satan kick me in the balls than go through that again. but I didn't want him to feel bad so I was trying not to make a deal out of it. He's a nice guy, he's nice to everyone.

"Um, okay. I'm still sorry though. See you in math." He waved and then went on his way. I didn't even have time to wave back because he was already gone. Math was my second hour so I just went to those and skipped the rest.

I didn't do it often, but we weren't doing anything important because it was Friday and it was our last day before spring break. Plus, my ribs still kinda hurt. Not enough to be concerned, but I knew I would have a nasty ass bruise on my entire right side.

I texted Mikey (my brother) and told him that I was gonna be at the park and would see him at home. I went to the park a lot. I liked to go there to think and draw. It was kind of my safe place.

Mikey texted me saying that he would be home at 6 and his friend was coming over. Also, that this friend was new so I couldn't be a "dork". I also got a text from my mom saying that her and my dad had a business trip and would be gone for a month.

I know that sounds like a long time but it's really not compared to some of their other trips. They're gone a lot, and when they are home it's only for at most a week. It doesn't bother me or Mikey. We've gotten used to it. You could say I've pretty much raised Mikey and myself.

For the rest of the school day (until like 3:00), I just sat in the park and smoked cigarettes, drew in my sketch book, and listened to music. I know smoking is bad for you but I don't smoke that much. I had 3 today which is a lot for me but I just needed something to calm my nerves.


I got home and just watched TV and listened to music. I also went down to the comic book store and got a few new ones. I went down to Starbucks as well to feed my coffee addiction and because like, why not?

I was on my third cup of coffee when I realized I was still in my stupid ass school uniform, which was weird because usually the first thing I do when I get home is rip it off. I went home and put on some black skinny jeans and a Misfits t-shirt.


It was about 5:45 when I figured I should order a pizza so it would be here when Mikey and his friend got here. I knew he would be hungry because he always is and eats a shit ton but yet he's still a fucking twig.


At about 8 I was getting really worried about Mikey. He wasn't answering any of my texts or calls and it was starting to get dark.
I was also worried because it was raining so hard it was practically a downpour and I'm pretty sure he was walking.

Well I know he was was walking because he doesn't have a car and I doubt his friend does either considering they're only freshman. I know I'm overreacting but when I'm worried about Mikey that's just what happens.

It was about half an hour later was when Mikey and his friend came a floppin through the door. Saying I was slightly worried would be an understatement.

I was literally about to have a mother fucking panic attack.
It was late (kind of), raining, and they were both soaking wet. Mikey better have a good explanation for this or imma beat his scrawny ass.

The first thing I did when he came through the door with some hot as fuck, short ass, kid was hug the living day lights out of him.

"Ew! Gerard get off me I can't breathe!"

Mikey wined. I didn't care that what he said or that he was soaking wet, but I let go anyways.

Parent mode here we come.

"Where the fuck have you been?! Why didn't you answer your phone?! It's raining out where the fuck is your coat?!"

Mikey gave me the "really Gee just shut the fuck up" look and sighed.

"Relax ya dork. I was just at Frank's house and we lost track of time." He motioned to the hot as fuck (as mentioned earlier) boy next to him and continued.

"Then, my phone died and while we were walking here it started raining. And I don't have a coat because it's spring and I didn't think I would need one. Now, we're starving so did you get food? Oh, and Frank's gonna spend the night."

So his name is Frank.... I'll have to remember that.

"Uhhhh... okay, just if this happens again I'm gonna beat your ass. You have no idea how worried I was." I noticed that Frank seemed to be quite enjoying this. That little shit.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. Now you didn't answer my question. Did you get food? Because if not I'm gonna have to resort to cannibalism and Frank isn't gonna be enough."

He elbowed Frank who looked kind of horrified for a second but then laughed and said "Shut the fuck up spaghetti legs."

We all laughed at that because that was the best thing ever. Goddamn Frank's adorable laugh is gonna kill me.

"Oh, yeah, uh there's pizza on the table that I ordered earlier. But before you eat I want you guys to change out of them wet clothes. I don't want you to get sick." I care a lot about Mikey, he's my baby brother.

"Sure. So you don't care if Frank stays over?" Mikey says as he starts to go upstairs to his room with Frank.

"No, just don't do anything stupid. Ill be in my room if you need anything."

I went in my room and just painted all night and watched Netflix. I tried going to bed but I couldn't. One thing was on my mind and just wouldn't seem to leave. That one thing was Frank.

I couldn't stop thinking about him. He was just so beautiful. I just wanted to hold him forever and I've barely talked to him. I just seen him for the first time earlier tonight. I don't care, he's
fucking hot.

But nobody that fucking hot isn't straight. Even if he isn't straight he wouldn't want me. I'm ugly. I'm plain. He's beautiful. He has black hair with bleached sides. It has a little faux-hawk thing going on. He has a perfect face, beautiful lips and the most perfect and amazing hazel-green eyes.

He's pretty short, probably about 5'3. But it's the cute kind of short, the kind where you just want to cuddle and hold them forever. He was wearing ripped, black skinny jeans, black converse, and a David Bowie shirt. He had red makeup around his eyes and X's over them in eyeliner (which was smudged due to the rain). Again, nobody that fucking hot isn't straight. I'm still gonna try though. Even if I fail.

Well that sucked. The next chapter is way better,cuter, and funnier tho.


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