The Father I Never Had

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     Yukios Pov

  "(Y/n) I should have never left you with your mother" the older man said. I walked toward them and asked "Are you her father?"

      Rins Pov

   I was getting really tried of Amimon right now and I needed to see if (y/n) was ok. I charged back at Amimon while he was laughing. And I shoved my sword into his chest. He looked shocked and then blue flames burst out of every corner of his body. Then he disappeared.

   I quickly put my sword away and sprinted toward (y/n). When I got there I shoved Yukio and a older man out of the way. I guess I made the older man mad because he yelled "Back off you f*cking spawn of Satan!" That prick ticked me off. "I'm sorry I'm trying to save her life, but I'm not going to sit here while the love of my life is dieing. So get out of my way before I make you!" I yelled. And I knew what I said and I was proud of it. The older man looked shocked and he got out of the way.

    Then I ran toward the door. Shiemi followed me. I went up some​ stairs to the infirmary. I kicked open the door. And laid (y/n) down on a bed.

    Then I just noticed that her top was almost fully ripped of. I felt my cheeks burn. Then Shiemi came into the room. I backed away from (y/n) and said "Shiemi you've got to help her. I cant really because of...well...her shirt is almost fully of" Shiemi walked up to (y/n) and just stared with shock. "Ok Rin...oh and you need to leave the room" Shiemi said. "Why..." I said but realized that there was a giant cut just above her chest. That's why her shirt was like that. Shiemi would have to take off her shirt to fix it up. "Oh...Ok I'll just be out side" I said while red came back to my cheeks.

     Time Skip Brought To You By Dinosaur Chicken Nuggets

   While I was waiting all I could think about was how me and (y/n) met and how we went through so much. And how in only 1 month of knowing her I fell hard for her. She was so tough, strong, and consealed. But after she got to know me she opened up. She softened out but still had that strong side to her.

     Just then the door opened. And Shiemi walked out. "Rin?" Shiemi said. "(Y/n) is going to be ok, she just got some scratch's and a deep wound on her chest" I got up and walked straight past Shiemi and into the room.

     I looked at the bed (Y/n) was on and saw she didn't have a shirt on. But she had alot of bandages wrapped around her chest and up around her neck. (Nothing is showing like you know what) I felt like crying.

     I should have not let her get anywhere near Amimon. I sat down in a chair next to (y/n). I grabbed her hand and held on tight. But not to tight that I woke her up. Just then Yukio and the older man from earlier came in.

    The older man looked at me and sighed then said "I'm sorry about earlier...I was just worried for my daughter's life" I jumped at his answer. This guy was (y/n)'s dad? "What!? Your her dad!?" I yelled standing up and letting go of (y/n)s hand. The man flinched "Do you know what she has been through!?" I yelled now walking toward the man. "Yes!?" He yelled. "Oh Ok then what!?" I yelled grabbing his shirt. "She just got beat up by Amimon what do you think!?" He yelled. I stared at him "What about the gun shot wound, ghoul temptant, whip scars on her back!? What about all of those" I yelled now pushing the man away from me and as far away from (y/n).

     The man looked at me shocked. "And let's not forget that she is now a demon!?" I yelled one last time. The man looked at me then at (y/n). I looked at (y/n) and said "You aren't her dad...your the father she never had"

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