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"...something won't always be missing, you won't always feel emptier...."

Hayley's voice came out in almost a whisper at this point. She let her body relax as the music kicked in behind her, her eyes slipping shut as she let the music take her body. Though everyone on stage was tired, sweaty, homesick, they let that go for these few bars and just immersed themselves in the music.

It had been a solid three years, this journey Hayley, Taylor and Jeremy were on. Tonight was the end, the last night of Writing The Future. Hayley smiled as she made eye contact with some fans in the crowds she felt so grateful for them. She was so proud of herself and the boys for continuing Paramore and not giving up, because if they had she would be living this moment right now. As the song came to its second climax a feeling of triumph, triumph that had been hard worked for, came over everyone in the room. 

The song slowed to a halt, and Hayley breathed out. She looked to her right at Jeremy who was smiling, to her left at Taylor who was staring into the crowd. She couldn't help but smile as the boys gathered around her and they took their final bow, victorious.

Hayley's POV

I lumbered off stage, so tired, but so happy. I couldn't help but laugh at Jeremy who as usual was a ball of energy. 

"WOOHOO!" He screamed and tried to jump on Taylor's back. Taylor laughed and shrugged him off. 

"I love you guys!" I hugged them before going to warm down. 

I sat in my dressing room with a towel around my neck, warming my voice down. I couldn't believe this was it, the end of the Self-Titled era. I would miss it, but better things are in the future, especially with the boys by my side. We did it, we actually did it. We proved we don't need Josh and Zac to be Paramore, or for Paramore to be great. I couldn't wait for what was to come in the future. I smiled as I looked down at my engagment ring. Oh yes, things were looking up. 

I heard a knock on my door so I called "come in!"

I smiled as Brian came into my dressing room. I hugged him tightly. 

"Congratulations!" He smiled.

"Thanks!" I beamed back, "I couldn't have done it on my own." 

"Definitley couldn't have done this." he chuckled and lifted my left hand to see my ring. 

"Stop!" I chuckled and pushed him off, my cheeks feeling warmer. 

"Oooooohhhhh someone's blushing!"

"NO!" I retaliated.

Brian chuckled, "but really though Hayles, I'm happy for you." He paused, "...I hope he's better like you say he is."

I sighed. When I first came out with the engagment so many people tried to make me feel like an idiot. Many more of my friends and family than I'd like to admit, but they didn't know Chad, and maybe they didn't know me anymore. We were both passed our past mistakes, we were ready for our future. It didn't matter how many people thought they were "warning" me, they were wrong.

"He is...let's not get into it, okay?"

He nodded apologetically, "okay."

We sat and talked for a while  until we had to get going. He walked me down the long corridor to the back of the venue where I'd get on our bus back to Tennessee. Brian looked at me with a slightly sad expression before giving me one last tight hug.

"So, this is it." He half-smiled 

I shook my head, "it's just the beginning." 

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