School (part two)

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~Payton's POV~

I went to science a few minutes early so I could get away from that awkwardness. I was scared I would say something I didn't want to, plus I'm always late. I got to class a few seconds before the bell, thank god!

"Surprising, miss Wentz is here early," Mr. Banks said in sarcasm. Oh great, now my teachers are teasing me. I wanted to make a smart remark, but I wanted to just go home and sleep so I just ignored him. The class felt like hours. Finally, the bell rang and I was out of there faster than you could even see. My next class was drama, thank god! One of the two classes I actually like. My two favorite classes are drama and writing. Plus Josh and Janet are in both of them...

"Hey, you feeling okay? You still look a little pale," Josh said looking at me worriedly.

"Josh, I'm fine, promise," I said trying to look as persuading as possible because I still felt like barfing.

"Okay?" He didn't seem sure. Then Ms. Jackson came in the room.

"Good morning class, lets start off with when Payton and Chad were in the hospital," Chad wasn't here today, so that means Josh is taking his place since he is Chad's understudy. Josh stood up.

"Um, Chad is absent and I am his understudy miss," he seemed shy. Why was Josh so shy all of a sudden? Oh well.

"Well then let's go! Chop chop! Get on with the show!" she demanded. Ms. Jackson just makes us go on no matter what obstacle there is.

"Okay, so this is the scene where Amber is throwing up and James is helping her then they fall in live and so on," the director of this play, Justine, stated before we started. Josh and I got into our places, I was next to the trash can and he was next to me comforting me. I started off with my first line.

"James, you didn't-" I got cut off by something coming back up again. Oh no, not again!

"Wow! It Seems so real!" one of the extras yelled.

"It's not real! Oh my god, are you okay Pay?" Janet yelled. Then everyone came rushing over. Ugh. I hate this so much. What is wrong with me?

"Joshua! Janice! Now!" Ms. Jackson yelled. "Go take Payton to the nurse, make sure she'll be okay,"

"Yes miss," they both said. I got up and Josh carried me to the nurse.

"Guys I'm fine. I just got a little sick,"

"A little sick my ass! That's the second time today!" Josh said to me.

"Actually, the third," I mumbled loud enough for him to hear.

"Payton! Why did you come to school?" Janet yelled. I gave her a look and she understood. She's the only person that knows about my crush on Josh.

"Oh, never mind," she smiled and made kiss faces behind Josh.

"Ugh, you know I hate that girl talk with their eyes thing!" Janet and I laughed.

"Josh! Trash can! Now!" I yelled. Ugh why? Why today?

"Josh, go get the nurse, I'll stay here with Pay," Janet told him. He rushed away.

"Pay, are you sure you're not, you know, preg-"

"No! don't even consider it! It wasn't even five minutes!" I can't believe she would even think that I might.

"Well, my parents had me and they didn't even do it for ten seconds. Come with me after school and I'll go to the store to get a test with you, okay?" I shook my head. Maybe I am. Maybe she is right. Oh my god. What if I am? What would Josh think? He's going to hate me! I started crying.

"Jan, I can't do this!" I cried in her arms.

"Yes you can, its okay. Chances are you probably aren't. You're probably just a little sick, that's all!" she tried comforting me. Yeah, I'm just a little sick, that's all. The nurse and Josh finally got back.

"Can you make it to my office? Are you strong enough?" she asked. I shook my head and Josh held on to me to make sure I didn't fall. We finally made it to her office. I was the only one in the room, Janet and Josh waited outside.

"So how many times have you thrown up today miss..."

"Wentz, Payton Wentz. Um I think four. Yeah, four since I woke up,"

"Okay well I'll take your temperature and see if its a fever. If you have a fever I'll just send you home, okay?" I shook my head and a few seconds later the thermometer beeped.

"Oh wow, 103 degrees," she replied and gave me a yellow paper. "Go take this to the principle, and she will let you leave," I got up to take the paper the the dreadful, Mrs. Banks. She is always over excited, that's the only thing I don't like about her. I handed her the paper and half smiled.

"Oh I hope you feel better. Here, I'll let Joshua and Janice leave with you too so you won't e alone," she smiled. She is the only person that knows about my living problems and she always knows when my mom is out.

"Thanks Mrs. Banks," I replied.

"No problem sweetie, feel better," she smiled and sent us off. I had to go back to my locker first to get my house keys. Josh carried me there, though it was unnecessary. I got my things, and left quickly.

"Um, Josh. Can you take Pay and I to the drug store real quick. We need some... female needs," Janet told him. He looked at us.

"Oh god. I have to basically live with two women on their periods. Dear lord!" he joked. I felt bad though because we weren't on our periods. We were getting pregnancy tests.

We finally got to the drugstore. Janet and I quickly ran in, got what we needed and ran out. I never like buying things like this, I feel uncomfortable. We got to my house and we ran to the bathroom.

"Okay, so the box says to pee on it and then wait two hours. It will show a plus or minus sign and the number of weeks you are at if you are," Janet said. I took a deep breath.

"Okay, turn around so I can do it," I never liked going to the bathroom in front of people. It's 9:06 now so at 11:06 the results should be ready. I sure hope its negative.

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