Chapter 2: The Abduction

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I just finished up work at the library and I'm heading home. The evening  breeze brushes against my cold cheek as I walk down the street. Going home alone at night always seems to worry me. I mean, I know karate and all, but I don't want to have to use it.

I stopped at an intersection and pressed the walk button. As I waited I looked at what time it was on my watch.

    "Hmm 8:30. I guess I worked later than I thought," I whispered not meaning to.

    The walk light turned on and I crossed the street, not knowing, I was being followed..

    I decided to take a short-cut through a dark alley. Feeling like I was being watched, I started to speed-walk.


I immediately glanced behind me and to my surprise, I saw two young men walking towards me. I didn't answer them, but walked much more quick.

"Hey cutie, we aren't gonna hurt ya!" One said, as they walked with more speed.

Then, they started running.
"Come back girlie!"

I passed a corner and ran for my life!

Up ahead I saw a man and woman exiting a building. I screamed help but they didn't even give me a glance. I was within about 20 feet of them with the two men right behind me. As I got closer to the couple I noticed empty beer bottles on the ground. They were walking clumsily and bumping into things.

"They're.. Drunk." I said panting. "I certainly won't get much help from them.."

I didn't realize that I had slowed down.. The next thing I remember is that something hit my head and I collapsed onto the concrete ground.


I woke up in a small, wooden chair, concealed in a small, dark room. I smelled a various assortment of aromas but couldn't tell what they were. There were pipes surrounding every inch of the room, and the floor was sticky and covered in stains of who knows what. I tried to stand up, not realizing my hands were tied to the chair. I sighed in disbelief, "What's gonna happen to me..?" I paused and looked towards the ceiling, my eyes fixed on a window. I stared at it for awhile, thinking, completely alone with my thoughts...

Then.. I had an idea!

With all the strength I had in my body, I pulled my hands up from the chair. I tugged and tugged for many seconds, but gave up. My eyes widened as I had another idea. My ponytail had gotten loose when I was running earlier and I remembered that I had two bobby-pins in my now-messy hair. I vigorously shook my head and one bobby-pin fell out, I was just about to get even more dizzy. I leaned side-to-side until the chair and I fell to the ground. I grabbed the bobby-pin with my teeth and lightly tossed it to my sweaty left-hand. With the pin I managed to cut through the rope that tied me down and I was free! I stretched and sighed with relief.

"Now what?" I asked myself breathlessly. I grabbed my chair, stood on it, and opened the ceiling window. Right as I was climbing out, the door opened and...

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