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Tessa' P.O.V

So this morning I wake up to Jake shouting everyone in Team 10 down to the kitchen for a meeting and he tells us that 2 of his friends from Ohio are coming to stay with us which will be fun to make new friends, their names are chance and Anthony. But I have to go get ready now because they will be here at 1pm and it's already 11am and I take ages to get ready !!
1 hour later
So I'm all ready now and it's only 12 so I still have an hour until the boys come so I decide to go out to get food with Ericka.
*Back at Team 10 House*
Me and Ericka just got back from lunch it was so good and we both hadn't realised the time whilst we were out and it was already 1:30pm so by the time we got home it was 2pm. When we walked into the house we noticed two boys at the kitchen one with brown hair and one with blonde hair they both introduced themselves as chance and Anthony, chance seemed really nice he had gorgeous green eyes and the best smile I had ever seen but anyway what am I saying I just met the guy !!

Chance P.O.V

So me and Anthony arrived at the Team 10 house and met Jake which was so cool then about an hour later 2 girls walked in they came over and me and Anthony said hey and they introduced themselves Tessa had brown hair and Ericka had more of a blonde hair colour, I looked at Tessa and couldn't help but smile she was so beautiful her laugh was so cute, I looked over at Anthony and noticed that him and Ericka were staring at each other I nudged Anthony in the arm to tell him he was staring and that's when Jake came back into the kitchen

Jakes P.O.V

I'm so happy my boys are finally here from Ohio we are going to have the best time I introduced them to everyone and gave them a quick tour of the house, and later on Tessa and Ericka came in and met Chance and Anthony I saw them all talking in the kitchen, then I walked in and told them all that each of the boys would have to stay in one of the girls room because we didn't have enough room so Ericka offered to have Anthony and Tessa said she would have Chance

Tessa P.O.V

So Jake told us that me and Ericka would each have to have one of the boys stay with us because we don't have enough space so I offered to have chance and Ericka said she would have Anthony. I didn't mind that I would have to share a room with chance he seemed nice and I might get to know him a bit more :)

Later on once we had gotten all of the rooms sorted and had brought a mattress into my room for chance to sleep on, everyone decided it was getting late and that they would go to bed so I went into the bathroom to get changed so Chance wouldn't see me and I came out wearing some comfortable shorts and a old cropped top, when I walked out of the bathroom I saw chance topless which to be honest wasn't that bad he did have a six pack we both just stared at each other and laughed. After that I invited Chance to come into my bed and watch Netflix for a bit he said yes and I ended up falling asleep on his chest

Chance P.O.V

So Tessa invited me to watch Netflix with her and I said yes and after watching loads of different films she fell asleep on my chest and I was going to go back to my bed ( well mattress on the floor ) but I didn't want to wake her, she looked so cute when she was sleeping. She was the last thing I remember thinking about before I fell asleep :)

Thank you for reading this I hope you enjoy sorry it's quite short please comment what you want/think should happen hope you enjoy this is my first fan fic will try update soon xox

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