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Tessa P.O.V

So today I wake up on chances chest and he has his arm around me. I really didn't want to move because I was so comfy but Jake was shouting everyone down to the office for a meeting,
Skip to the office
Jake: ok so me and Kade are going to New York because there is an event that we have been invited to and we were just wondering if you four (Ericka, Anthony, Chance, Tessa)
Would be ok on your own
Ericka: what about Nick?
Jake he's going back home for a few weeks
Anthony: ok I think we'll be ok it's only a few weeks
Jake: good because we have to leave now byeee

Jake leaves the house with Kade whilst vlogging

After Jake and Kade and Nick had all left Ericka said that we should go shopping for food as we have no food at all in the house so we went out to target!
Skip to target
We got to target and decided to split up I went with chance and Ericka went with Anthony. I sat in the trolley whilst Chance pushed me around and kept making the worst puns
Chance walked over to the lights section and said you light up my world
Then walked over to the graters and said wow you look great
And there were so many more I couldn't stop laughing at how bad they were.

Chance P.O.V

So after the boys left we went to target to go get food Tessa sat in the trolley and I pushed her along and made some cheesy puns she laughed at them though, she looked so pretty when she laughed. When we got to the frozen food isle we crashed into Ericka and Anthony like literally Ericka was in the trolley and crashed into us it was funny tho we both agreed that tonight we couldn't be bothered cooking so we decided we would go to a restaurant on the beach

Ericka P.O.V

So after we got home from target everyone decided to get ready to go out we had booked a nice little restaurant on the beach none of us had been before but it looked amazing I went up to tessas room to get ready with her I asked her where chance was she said he had gone to get ready with Anthony
Tessa: so is this like a date or not
I replied with I don't know but dress really nice because this place is super fancy I already told the boys

Tessa P.O.V

So I came down the stairs wearing this

So I came down the stairs wearing this

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And Ericka was wearing this

As we walked down the stairs the boys just stared at us both me and Ericka looked at each other and blushed the boys looked really good and smart and the smelt good ahaI got to the bottom of the stairs and Chance said to me that I was the pretties...

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As we walked down the stairs the boys just stared at us both me and Ericka looked at each other and blushed the boys looked really good and smart and the smelt good aha
I got to the bottom of the stairs and Chance said to me that I was the prettiest person he'd ever seen I over heard Anthony complimenting Ericka. We set off to the restaurant
Skip to restaurant
So we are at the restaurant and it's so beautiful the food was amazing Chance was sat opposite me and then he looked at me and held my hands and said you're so beautiful would you walk with me along the beach and I said yes!!! After we paid everyone went walking along the beach Anthony and Ericka had spilt off from me and Chance
So I decided trying to be funny to push Chance into the water but it had backfired and I ended up falling in instead after we were laughing so much he held out his hand to help me up but instead I pulled him into the water again and we ended up having a water fight under the moon I started running away so he wouldn't splash me but he had soon caught up but instead of splashing me he held onto my waist and then moved the hair out of me face and kissed me it was so romantic we were under the moonlight and I kissed back of course once the kiss had ended held my hand and helped me out of the water then when we were back on the sand he picked me up bridal style and carried me to the car I think I really like him

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