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Ok so thank you so much to Cogburn28 , evyn_martin consu3l0 and qwatch    Go follow them
For giving me ideas and please don't forget to vote so I know that you are enjoying it and omg we are at 1k reads I know that it isn't a lot, but I can't believe. Thanks so much love you all 💙💙 - Lauren xox

Tessas P.O.V

So it's day 2 of the Bahamas and I can't wait to spend it with everyone we head down to get breakfast, and the food was so so good, I had pancakes and some fruit. After having breakfast we head up to our rooms and get ready for the day nobody knows what we are actually doing yet so we message on a group chat
T- heyy guys what we doing today?
E-dunno yet what do the boys wanna do ?
C- yo guys we should go to the beach, and then go to like this mini golf arcade place I saw, it looked dope
A-YASSS it's gonna be litttttyyyy
T- k so meet u all in an hour and a half I have to shower
Everyone- k

Tessas  P.O.V

So after showering and curling my hair I go to put on my bikini and shove on some shorts and a crop top on over it and head downstairs to see everyone waiting for me in the reception

Skip to beach

Erickas  P.O.V

Yooo this beach is so amazing there's also like no one here so we set our stuff up and then head into the water. This place is gorgeous

After we are all finished in the water we tan for a bit well me and Tessa tan whilst Chance and Anthony were still messing on in the water

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After we are all finished in the water we tan for a bit well me and Tessa tan whilst Chance and Anthony were still messing on in the water. Tessa turns and says to me "so u and Anthony are u guys a thing or?" I answered with no not yet but I want us to be and then look away after realising I'm blushing like a tomato "awwwww" Tessa says "I'm sure he will ask u after all u guys flirt none stop aha" nooo wayyy have u not seen u and Chance I said we both sit there laughing and talking for ages when the boys come up to us and pick us both up bridal style and chuck us into the water "aaaahhhhh" me and Tessa screamed before laughing as we pulled them both into the water with us. I had ended up splitting off from Tessa and Chance and was not with Anthony we were just talking and swimming when all of a sudden he actually said it .... he asked me to be his girlfriend "yessss" I screamed and practically jumped on top of him before kissing him I can't believe he actually asked me yayyy

Anthony  P.O.V

So whilst the girls were tanning and talking I was talking to Chance about how I like Ericka and he said that he think she likes me as well, and told me to ask her out because he has seen us flirt all the time. Do as a joke me and Chance pick up the girls and rub with them in our arms (I'm carrying Ericka) and throwing them into the water after messing about for a while, me and Ericka had wandered away from Tessa and Chance and after talking for awhile I actually asked her the massive question and she said yes and jumped on top of me and kissed omg she actually said yes I'm so happy !! :)

Tessas  P.O.V
So omg Anthony asked out Ericka she's so happy I'm so happy for her I kinda wish Chance asked me but maybe he doesn't like me in that way after all but I still like him, so instead of focusing on being upset I try having a fun time with everyone and it works first we played mini golf and I lost aha no surprise there Ericka won it and after mini golf we played bowling and I came second chance won that. We all decided to go to the arcade now play on some of the games, Chance and I go straight towards the car racing simulator game thing and challenge each other, he won obviously but after that we all decided to head back but when we got to the hotel mine and Erickas room cards weren't working so we went down to reception and they said that we had only booked those two rooms for 1 night but we had booked Chance and Anthony's rooms for 2 weeks so we must have made a mistake which is really annoying the lady then told us that we could get another 2 rooms but the only had the suites left and that we would have to pay extra. After about half an hour of stressing and arguing with the receptionist we come to a conclusion that Ericka will just stay in Anthony's room as they are a thing now and I will stay in chances which I really don't mind I mean after all I do like him so the lady lets us get our stuff and we move it into the boys rooms, after settling in we all get ready for bed I walk out in my pj shorts and crop top on and see Chance is in in his bed without a top on and is just wearing some shorts "oh I'm sorry I can put on a top if u want it's just that it's really hot" no it's fine is what I reply with. He then walks over to me and lifts my chin and moved the loose pieces of hair from my face and just as he leans in he whispers something I almost couldn't hear it but I was so happy after I realised what he had just said that I jumped up and wrapped my legs round his waist as he held onto me tight and kissed my forehead I can't believe he just asked me to be his girlfriend of course I said yes this was honestly the best day :)

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