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Thanku for still reading please comment what you want to happen and I will include it in and I will give out shoutouts to the people who suggest ideas and please remember to vote it's in the bottom left ok thanks love ya xxx💙💙

Tessa P.O.V

So tonight me and Ericka are going to cook for the boys we were planning to make pizza and then realised we had none of the food we needed to make the pizza so we ended up going to target and while we were there we decided to go out and buy some new outfits to wear today because out clothes were soaked as it was pouring down today so I ended up buying and changing into this

So tonight me and Ericka are going to cook for the boys we were planning to make pizza and then realised we had none of the food we needed to make the pizza so we ended up going to target and while we were there we decided to go out and buy some n...

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We went to a salon and got our hair and makeup done because we wanted to treat ourselves and Ericka wore this

We got back to the team 10 and started to unpack everything from target the boys walked down and in sync they both said dammmmmn you girls looking good Anthony said it whilst staring at Ericka and Chance was saying it to me :) we told them how we ...

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We got back to the team 10 and started to unpack everything from target the boys walked down and in sync they both said dammmmmn you girls looking good Anthony said it whilst staring at Ericka and Chance was saying it to me :) we told them how we were going to make them dinner and they both said thanks
Skip to after dinner
We were all on the sofa watching Netflix when we all had the idea to make a giant den in the house as it was only us four so we went and got 5 mattresses and millions of blankets we made it look so cute with fairy lights and cushions it looked so tumblr and amazing aha

We got back to the team 10 and started to unpack everything from target the boys walked down and in sync they both said dammmmmn you girls looking good Anthony said it whilst staring at Ericka and Chance was saying it to me :) we told them how we ...

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We were all just sat in the den chilling I was cuddled up with Chance and Anthony had his arm around Ericka I SO SHIP TERICKA !! Then I started thing after me and Chance kissed and now we're cuddled up together does this mean anything does he want it to mean anything I was interrupted by chance and Anthony yelling we're going on holiday !!!! Me and Ericka were both like omg and then they told us it was a surprise and that Jake said we could all go then they said where we were going and omg we were going to

Chances P.O.V

So me and Anthony told the girls that we were going on holiday and they both seemed super hyped after we told them both that we were going to the Bahamas the jumped up and Tessa ran and jumped onto me and put her legs around me I held onto her tight she whispered thank you so much into my ear and then she said I love you omg did the girl I like actually just say She loves me I love you to I said back she stared at me she was so beautiful I could see in the corner of my eye Anthony and Ericka were hugging about 10 mins later they both went to sleep in Ericka's room

Tessa P.O.V

After Anthony and Ericka had gone to sleep me and Chance decided to go back to my room. after I got out the bathroom I saw Chance in my bed without a shirt and only had some Jake Paul joggers on but I didn't really mind. He said sorry and that he would get out I told it was fine and that I wanted him to stay we were just staring at each other I was looking into his deep green eyes they were so gorgeous it was hypnotising I said thank you so much for the holiday and then we were just there in silence but it wasn't awkward he then slowly leaned into me and he kissed me again but this one wasn't like the one we had on the beach it felt more passionate and strong he had his hands on my waist and I had mine around his neck whilst my fingers played around with his hair, we began to move closer to each other as the kiss grew strong and it had gone into a full on make out (sorry I didn't really want to go into detail but they basically made out)

Ericka P.O.V

So I woke up this morning to see Anthony next to me I really like him and I really want him to ask me to be his girlfriend but I'll keep waiting I mean he probably doesn't even like me. I walked out into the kitchen to see Chance making eggs then he asked if he could talk to me so I said ok and then he said he was going to ask Tessa to be his girlfriend when they were on holiday I couldn't help but scream yayyyy!! Shhhhhh he said do not tell anyone I really want it to be a surprise he explained I agreed and said my lips were sealed and then I told him how I really wanted Anthony to ask me out and he said that he will talk to him for me

Anthony P.O.V

Ok so I don't know what to do because I really like Ericka but I'm not sure if she likes me and I think I might ask her out either on the plain to the Bahamas or when we are there I want to make it special because she deserves it. I walk into the kitchen and notice Chance and Ericka talking about 15 minutes later I hear Tessa walking down the stairs and when she walks into the kitchen her and Chance look at each other and smile ooooh love birds I say jokingly and they both laugh Tessa then goes over to Chance and hugs him for ages and say good morning they looked so cute so then me trying to be funny go up to Ericka and go good morning and hug her just like Chance and Tessa were hugging oooooh love birds get a room shouted Chance every one just laughed

Everyone's P.O.V

The rest of the day everyone just packed ready for the Bahamas and we all just went shopping for new clothes and swimming costumes to wear while we were on holiday. After that we all just ate some takeout food and chilled every one couldn't wait until tomorrow well we could all wait for the 6 hour flight but when we get there it will be so amazing !!!

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