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A/N: so guys I like really ship chessa right now and I'm so sorry for not updating I've had a lot of schoolwork and stuff but I will try upload tomorrow and just more in general please don't forget to vote and comment what you want love u all xx💙

Tessas P.O.V

So we are now in an uber on our way to the airport because we are going to the Bahamas I honestly can't believe it I'm rested on Chance at this moment and Anthony and Ericka are flirting behind us they're so cute together but anyway we arrived at the airport a bit early so we got through security and everything and decided to go get breakfast and chill out and just go on our phones and stuff because they had charging stations and free wifi so we weren't complaint me and Chance just went to a Starbucks to get a drink and some food whilst Anthony and Ericka went to a McDonald's because they wanted an actual breakfast so they were gone for a while and it was just me and Chance left I had my head rested on his shoulder and his arm around me I love spending time with him just then there was a very unclear voice coming from the speakers saying that our flight was now boarding so we headed over to our gate number and met Anthony and Ericka there when we got onto the plane I sat next to Chance by the window and Ericka and Anthony were 3 rows in front of us the seats were in sets of threes and nobody else was in the third seat next to me and Chance so we were left alone yayy :) we were in the middle of taking off and I think Chance could see I was a bit scared because he held my hand pulled me into his chest and gently kissed my forehead

Chances P.O.V

Everyone was so hype to go on holiday we all wanted a break from LA and because there were only four of us going it would be so LIT we had got to the airport a bit early so I just chilled with Tessa whilst Anthony and Ericka went off somewhere to get breakfast after boarding the plane I was sat next to Tessa and it was just us two which was really nice but when we were taking off she looked scared so I held her hand and kissed her forehead until she was ok after that we both just watched films on Netflix that she had downloaded after about 3 hours of flying we both fell asleep and when I woke up Tessa was in my arms I really like her

Skip to Bahamas

Tessas P.O.V

Omg we just landed and it looks so cool I'm so glad I brought shorts and a better top to change into because I could already feel the heat and I was in a hoodie and joggers because it was raining in LA when we left after getting changed and collecting out luggage we headed to the hotel rooms in a taxi it was so beautiful I couldn't believe it I looked over at Chance and he looked at me and smiled he then grabbed my hand and said do you like it of course I said

Skip to hotel

Ericka P.O.V

So we walk into the hotel and the reception area is massive there are 4 glass staircases leading up to loads of rooms and apparently there is also a swimming pool a bar and a spa which I really want to go to with Tessa this place had a 5 star rating and the pictures on the website didn't do it's justice the place was just so amazing

So we walk into the hotel and the reception area is massive there are 4 glass staircases leading up to loads of rooms and apparently there is also a swimming pool a bar and a spa which I really want to go to with Tessa  this place had a 5 star rat...

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