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"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-" Pollen flew up in my face, her eyes narrow and her arms crossed. Damn, even her glare was adorable. If only she hadn't said what she said, she would've been getting honey ice cream for her cuteness. Oh well.

"Chloe, can you please. Stop. Yelli-"


"CHLOE!" I stuck out my tongue and she rolled her eyes, hugging my cheek. "Chloe, it's been days since you went to school last! Come on, make like a banana split with honey drizzled all over... Mmm... Scratch that, just honey. Or honey on honey ice cream- yeah, that's much tastier- and split!"

"Pretty sure you mean banana. You know, it's bananas that can split not the splits 'cause the banana split has already been split and all-"

"Same difference!" I threw my covers back over my head to shield me from the world, the darkness matching the rest of my room since I had left the curtains drawn shut for about three days. "I'm serious, Chlo. Rob and the others are worried sick. They're always texting you and all that buzzing doesn't let me get my beauty sleep but you don't care! You can't just stay here with the doors locked in darkness shoving honey icecream- you're welcome by the way- up your mouth hole forever! You just can't!"

"Watch me." I got up, shuffled over to my freezer and grabbed a spoon with a large pack of ice cream, rolling my eyes when her eyes followed the sweet treat as it made its way into my mouth before she turned her attention back to me. With my mouth full as I leaned against the kitchen counter with dark semicircles under my eyes, I asked, "want some?"

"Don't distract me! Chloe, this isn't only about Rob or the awkwardness, is it? I know you can handle your schoolmates, you're too much of a boss to let their negative energy affect you too much but something else is wrong." I looked away. Pollen wasn't always the best at noticing things since she was very easily distracted. I wished I could tell her about my depression at times but she wouldn't understand or she would try slapping some sense into me and neither of those would help. Believe me, I had already tried slapping sense into myself. Many, many times.

"My father is in jail, Belle. My father and uncle are in jail. There are reporters right outside the doors of the hotel and I guarantee you there are more waiting for me at school. I can't handle it, okay? I don't want anyone to see me like this." I was in my most vulnerable state. I had cried more than half the time, barely slept because of nightmares and I didn't even bother bathing. The only reason I hasn't taken off my comb was because she threatened to give me the silent treatment the moment I put my miraculous back on. She felt like the closest friend I had, I just couldn't lose her.

"But Chloe-" a crash interrupted our conversation. She found somewhere to hide while I got up and grabbed the closest thing to me. A frying pan. Go figure. I held it tight and walked over to the broken window, shrieking the moment I saw the blue and green costume of the figure.

"Not him!" I jumped, running over to my bed to hide myself under my blankets but he was quicker. He used two feathers to pin me to the wall then proceeded to free me as soon as his hands were tightly wound around my torso. He didn't seem like he was planning on letting go anytime soon and I puffed out my chest with my arms folded, going slightly pink when I remembered I was in my pyjamas. "What are you doing here?!"

"My queen." I glared at the wall, imagining his face getting squashed by a giant frying pan... wait. Do I still have that? I smirked and whacked his head as hard but gently as I could. Can't have an unconcious superhero in your room on a Thursday. That's just wrong. He let go, holding his head and I used the time to jump into bed and bury myself under the covers, letting out a sigh of relief. I felt weight next to me as he lay down and wrapped his arm around my covered waist. I glared at him, blowing my messy hair out of my face and he laughed, unaffected as always.

The Peacock And The Bee (Chloe Bourgeois × OC)Where stories live. Discover now