Trip Sign ups

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All third year students crowded around professor Mcgonagall to hand in their Hogsmeade permission slips. "Hand in your forms in an orderly fashion!..." Her voice drowns in the bustle of ecstatic students awaiting their first trip to Hogsmeade. Hogsmeade is the wonderful wizarding village that was established just around the same time as Hogwarts, school of witchcraft and wizardry. "Harry, It's a shame you can't go, I promise to bring you back some butter beer" Hermione sighs.
"Look on the bright side Harry, you won't have to sit through the boring history less-" Ron suggests, only to be interrupted. 
"Actually Ron, I find professor..." Ron and Hermione continue to bicker as Harry heads back to the common room.

Draco leans up against the stone wall accompanied by his two goons, Crabbe and Goyle. He had just turned in his permission slip to Hogsmeade, and now they were practicing hexes on a first year. "That's enough Crab" they released the frightened young ravenclaw. Draco was glad he had this opportunity to go to Hogsmeade, he could finally have a day not consumed by thoughts of classes or his parents pressuring him about growing up to be a perfect death eater. Out of the corner of his eye he spots a mess of black hair that belonged to no other than Harry Potter trudging along in the halls. Draco wondered to himself why of all people Potter would be feeling sorry for himself. He is surrounded by friends, is known to every wizard there is in the wizarding world, and has been the hero of the school two years in a row now. "Crabbe, Goyle, I think they're serving ice cream sundaes in the Great hall, scram!" They sped down the hall eagerly just before Harry was within ear shot. "Potter!" Draco called out. Harry's head jerked up. The lost gloomy look on Harry's face soon turned to annoyance, "I'm really not in the mood Malfoy." Draco now knew something was really up, his brow furrowed. And then he thought, could I really be feeling sorry for Potter? "How come you look like you've just seen a dementor?" Draco teased. "Can't go to Hogsmeade, but since when do you care?" Harry answered. "Since I- uh-" Why am I so flustered? Draco thought. Harry looked into his eyes, waiting for a reply. His eyes were dark. They reminded Draco of when he looks into a potion and can't see the bottom of the cauldron, bottomless, beautiful, serious. His hair was a mess yet perfect at the same time. But something was wrong, his posture drooped. Draco knew he had to help.

Harry stood in the hallway with Draco who was acting quite strange. Of course Harry was unable to get his Hogsmeade permission slip signed by the Dursley's so while the rest of the third years went, he would stay at Hogwarts by himself. "You didn't get your form signed?" Harry couldn't tell if Draco was messing with him or not. "Yes Malfoy, what's it to you?" Harry was surprised of Draco's behavior. So was Draco.

For some odd reason Draco was greatly disappointed Harry couldn't go, he didn't know why, but the thought made him really sad. And when Draco thought of Harry coming to Hogsmeade and seeing that goofy grin and messy black hair he couldn't help but smile. And even better, if Draco helped Harry get there, then maybe Harry would spend the day with him. Draco suddenly became unflustered and hatched a plan.

"How about we try a spell to fake a signature?" Draco suggested with a grin. "We?" Harry was taken by surprise, "wouldn't that be forgery?" "Not if you're father has connections!" For once Draco actually had a good idea. Lucius  could surely get them out of anything. But why is Malfoy being nice to me? Harry thought. Whatever it was, Harry didn't know, and he didn't need to. A smile crept across Harry's face as he thought of everything he would be able to do in Hogsmeade.

Harry's smile seemed to light up the whole room, Draco felt butterflies for the first time. The warmth of his smile made Draco's face blush and his heart race. Soon Draco was grinning wide too. "Let's meet tonight, Gryffindor common room," said Harry. "It's a date," replied Draco filled with excitement.

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