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The next day Harry opens his eyes and smiles as he realizes what day it was. He gets dressed, making sure to layer with a sweater, jacket, pants, boots, and Gryffindor scarf. He packs a satchel with money, gloves, his wand, permission slip, and book, and slings it over his head on his shoulder so it rests on his side. Throughout this process Ron makes several attempts at conversation, like a friendly 'goodmorning!' Or, 'Are you excited?' Harry ignores these attempts and heads to the main hall.

When Draco has put his money and wand in the inside pockets of his coat, and slips his boots on, tucking in his pants, he heads upstairs to the main hall passing black eyed Goyle along the way. He meets Harry by the door after Harry hands in his slip, and they make their way out to the train. The snow crunches beneath their feet and they chat excitedly about Hogsmeade. Harry and Draco find a seat in a compartment alone. They make sure to sit in a compartment across from one that is empty for privacy. As a result this takes several tries. Once they're seated and the train departs, Harry slides over next to Malfoy and holds his hand. The ride isn't long, so they want to make the most of their time. Harry leans in and kisses Draco passionately. "How can we be together?" Draco asks when they stop. "I don't care if your a Slytherin. I don't care if you're a boy. All I care about is you. I care if you're happy, and loved. I won't let anyone say our relationship is invalid. I love you." Draco embraces Harry, "I love you too." When they arrive at Hogsmeade, everyone splits up into groups for a history tour. Harry and Draco are put in a group with a Hufflepuff girl named Maddy Montgomery, a ravenclaw boy named Anthony Baker, and a Slytherin girl, Natalie Bartlett. The tour is boring and Harry and Draco can't wait to go off on their own, constantly exchanging glances of excitement. When the group arrives at Tomes and Scrolls bookshop, Natalie Bartlett decides to call out Harry and Draco's strange behavior. "Hey Potter! Malfoy! Why don't you stop making out and pay attention to the damn tour!?" She says this even though they weren't even holding hands. "Shut up Natalie, no one gives a crap what you think, people can love whoever they want to love, now can we please get this damn tour over without having to hear from you obnoxiously dim witted self?" Shocked by what just happened, Draco saw Anthony Baker defending them. Then Maddy chimed in, "Ya Natalie, shut up before I smack you in the face until you see rainbows!" Wow! Draco thought, people are being a lot more supportive than I thought they would be! "Whatever, you're all going to hell anyways." Natalie mutters, and turns her attention back to the tour guide. "Wow, thanks you guys!" Exclaims Harry, "Ya, that was awesome!" Adds Draco. "Anything to help" replies Maddy with a smile. When the group tour is over, they say their goodbyes and Harry and Draco head over to Zonko's joke shop. "You know what?" Starts Harry, "I think we can make this work. With people like Anthony and Maddy on our side, we can be together without hiding our love." "I think so too" agrees Draco. Draco is no longer afraid, and reaches for Harry's hand in front of everyone. Later that day, the couple arrive at Honeyduke sweets. While they are marveling at Draco's new chocolate frog card, Salazar Slytherin, Hermione and Ron approach. "Hi Harry," Hermione says. "We were going to talk to you on the train but saw you and Draco having a moment...."

Oh, no! Harry's heart began to race, she saw Draco and I on the train kissing! "Ron and I want you to know we are totally fine with you two being together, and you could have talked to us instead of lying Harry, were your friends! We're also sorry about making assumptions that you liked Alison." Hermione said. "Ya Harry, I'm totally cool with you being gay and all, I just wanted us to have a fun day in Hogsmeade together." Adds Ron. "Oh...." Harry says, "well ok then, what do you say we all hang out as a group?" "Definitely!" Ron and Malfoy answer together. "Who's up for butter beer?" Asks Hermione. They purchased the butter beer and sipped it while laughing and making fun of Ron while he tested some of Zonko's joke shops jelly bean voice changers. Harry looked into Draco's eyes, gave him a kiss and said, "I love you. Draco Malfoy."

Draco let the kiss linger on his lips, the taste of butter beer consumed him. He looked around at his newfound friends from Rons elephant noises, Hermione's laugh, and Harry's adorable goofy grin. And he drank his butter beer.

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