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Harry arrived at the courtyard to meet Draco with his lasagna. Draco sported a bowl of chile. They sat on a bench and ate while looking out at the snow dusted hills and Quidditch field beyond. The air was cold, and Harry saw that Draco was only wearing his sweater, so he made a gesture moving closer to Draco and wrapping his cloak around the both of them. No one else was in the courtyard because it was cold out, so Harry and Draco could be themselves. Harry loved the way Draco cuddled up next to him and embraced the warmth. After a couple minutes, Draco rested his head on Harry's shoulder. Harry held Draco close.

This is it, Draco thought, it's all happening. Harry's being so sweet! Draco was shivering before but now he had his head rested on Harry's shoulder, and Harry's arm wrapped around him with his cloak. Draco never wanted to leave the safety of Harry's warm, perfect body. Draco looked up at Harry, who's gaze was set upon the hills, which were dusted with snow. He was smiling his beautiful smile that Draco loved. Draco had the impulse to kiss Harry's perfect lips, and so he did. Draco leaned up and softly yet firmly pressed their lips together, and it was amazing. "Wait!" Harry said. Oh no... Thought Draco. "I'm sorry, I knew it was too good to be true, you don't like me that way, why was I so stupid to think you would? You're obviously straight, I'm probably just confusing you." Draco ranted. "Of course not! Draco....I don't know what I am, I just know I want to be with you, I want to kiss you, I want to call you mine. I just have to put down my lasagna." Harry smiled wide, and set his lasagna to the side. They both laughed, and Draco said, "I want to be with you too, and call you mine, and-" but he never got a chance to finish because Harry was already pressed up against him, kissing him until they needed air. Draco ran his hand through Harry's hair, and Harry wrapped his hands around Draco. After another hour of enjoying each other's presence, they parted to pack, and Harry said, "Is it ok if I call you my boyfriend? Only between you and me." "Of course, Harry" and Draco gave him a kiss goodbye.

Draco headed down to the Slytherin common room and met up with Crabbe and Goyle. "Hey doofuses!" He called, "Tomorrow I'm going to be with Potter so go find someone else to annoy" "Don't be a faggot on us Malfoy!" Called out Goyle. Crabbe and him snickered. When Goyle looked back at Draco he immediately regretted it, "I was only joking, I'm sorry!" Goyle cried, but Draco's fist was already on its way to his face. This only made Crabbe laugh louder, to which Draco replied, "Silencio!" With a swoosh of his wand and rendered Crabbe temporarily mute. "It's for a potions project!" Draco shouted, and he hurried to the boys dorm to read the Hogsmeade history book.

When Harry entered the boys dorm, Ron was sitting on his bed, his book on Hogsmeade tossed aside. "So, what are you going to do tomorrow while we're at...Hogsmeade?" Ron asked. Harry answered, "About that, Draco actually helped me out with the whole form thing, so I can go. But I have to stay with him tomorrow becau-" "Hold on! Malfoy helped you? Harry it has to be some sort of trap! And why do you have to be with him? It's probably part of the trap!" Ron exclaimed. "It's not a trap Ron! And the reason I have to stay with him is because of a potions project!" Harry lied. "Oh stop with the lies Harry! Me and Hermione know the only real reason you're hanging around Malfoy is because he's helping you with Alison Smith, and you're too stupid to realize that he's just doing it to make a fool out of you." Ron said. "Get out! Get out of my face!" Harry yelled. All of the other Gryffindor boys turned their heads at the sound of Harry yelling. Ron had soon realized he had crossed a line. "Harry-" he pleaded.
"No!" Shouted Harry.
"Harry I'm sorry-" Ron began.
"Ron, leave me alone!" Harry demanded.
Ron left and Harry began reading. Everyone else resumed what they were doing, occasionally glancing at Harry. 

Hermione was sitting in the Gryffindor common room by the fire while reading, Hogsmeade; a History, The Tale of the Shrieking shack, and Madame Puddifoots Tea Shop and Where to Find it. Suddenly she heard two familiar voices yelling. Oh, no she thought, what now? Ron stepped down the staircase with his head down, and approached Hermione. "Ron, what happened?"
"Apparently, Malfoy helped Harry get his Hogsmeade form signed, and he's not even spending the day with us, he's spending it with Malfoy! And I may have gotten a little too mad and accused him of falling into Malfoy's trap of helping him with Alison Smith...." Ron admitted.
"Ron! I thought we were going to do this in a civilized manner before we boarded the train tomorrow!"
"Sorry!" Muttered Ron.
"I should talk to him." Decided Hermione.
"I don't really think he's in the mood to talk right now, how about on the train tomorrow?" Ron suggested.
"Fine." Replied Hermione.

That night Draco took a long time to fall asleep. He was annoyed and caught off guard that Goyle called him a faggot, but so excited to spend the day with Harry. He lay in bed under his emerald green and silver quilt thinking and worrying about the future. He was excited for the future of his and Harry's relationship, but how would that unfold in secret? It would be tricky. Would they ever tell anyone? His parents would totally disapprove. Draco wondered all night until he drifted off to sleep.

Harry lay in bed thinking too. How would Hermione and Ron take Draco being his boyfriend? He hates mudbloods, so it's going to be tough with Hermione. Unless Harry can change Draco's mind about them....and it would be weird with Ron. What if Ron thinks I might fall in love with him? Harry thought nervously. But he would have to be stupid, I'm with Draco, Harry reassured himself. In a perfect world, Harry could have his two best friends and his boyfriend. And that's what he dreamt of.

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