Potions class

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Harry made sure to arrive at Potions class early, and take a seat at Draco's bench where his usual project partner, Crabbe sits. Only Harry and a few Slytherins have arrived so far. Harry began taking out his books and his quill. Professor Snape enters the room and glares at Harry when he sees his seating choice. "There will be no changing potions partners!" He lectured. But Harry having already expected this, planned ahead. In history class he had used the spells from the night before to fake a note from professor Mcgonagall stating that Harry was to sit with Draco Malfoy as a behavioral exercise to help 'sort their differences.' Harry showed Snape the note, biting his bottom lip in worry, and waited for a response. "There better not be any funny business!" Snape spat, and sauntered away. Harry let out a sigh of relief. It worked.

As the students started filing in Hermione and Ron were shocked to see where Harry was sitting. "Oh, I can't stand to see him like this!" Hermione muttered, "maybe we should tell him." "Now is not the time or place Hermione" Ron warned. And they took their seats.

Draco entered the room glancing from Snape back to Harry whom he received a thumbs up from. Glad everything went according to plan, Malfoy took his seat. The first part of class they all had to fill out a worksheet testing their knowledge on the history of potions. Malfoy was concentrating on question five while also devising a plan to take a further step into their relationship to get out of the friend zone. He knew they both shared feelings, they just had to act on them. Slowly and casually, Draco pretended to just be adjusting his position, and moved his arm right up next to Harry's. He then carefully intertwined their fingers so their hands were locked, like the secret of their relationship. At first Draco didn't look up from his paper, but Harry did, he felt Harry's eyes on him, he didn't let go, Draco thought. And Draco looked up from his paper to meet Harry's gaze, they smiled. Their hands remained like this until people started finishing the worksheet, then they reluctantly pulled apart. The second half of potions they were assigned one potion per group, and left the remainder of the class to make it. Harry and Malfoy were given the task of a confusing concoction potion; a potion that will cause the victim to become confused and sickly. Draco saw that Harry was having some difficulty naming the ingredients and helped them out. When potions class was over they were given the rest of the day off to read a book on the history of Hogsmeade. Harry and Malfoy decided to meet in the courtyard and eat lunch there.

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