Summer Without Him

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Harry's POV
Hogwarts is out for the summer. The Weasley's are letting me stay at their house for holiday.

I love it over there, I never got to grow up in a wizarding household. Hermione is also going to spend most of the summer with us.

It will almost be the best summer ever. Almost. One person would change that. Draco.

Ever since our goodbye kiss at platform 9 and 3/4, I have not been able to keep my mind off of him, it was a sad parting.

Draco says his parents would never support him dating a guy, much less me, the boy who lived. But I won't let his close minded parents get in the way of us, I will see my Draco before the summers end, I have to.

"Harry" Ron snaps me out of my thoughts. "We're here!" Sure enough, the Weasley's flying car slows and descends to the ground, landing with a clang in front of their cozy little home.

A grin spreads on my face, "this is going to be awesome". Ron smiles back at me and we jump out of the car, grab our luggage and run inside. Hermione, Ginny, and Mrs. Weasley all used flu powder to get there earlier, Mr. Weasley liked doing things "the muggle way".

"Fred! George! Happy your home dears, now why don't you go ahead and de-gnome the garden." Mrs. Weasley ordered as soon as the twins stepped inside. They both groaned but stepped back outside and did as they were told. "Harry!" Mrs. Weasley quickly hurried over to me for one of her famous bone crushing hugs.

"Hi Mrs. Weasley" I managed a reply before she let go and my airflow returned back to normal. Ron visibly blushed as he was a bit embarrassed by his family and clustered home.

"There you two are!" I turn around to see Hermione, a book clutched in her hands, looking all too excited about it. "I've found a magnificent novel about the history of transfiguration spells, it is absolutely riveting!" Ron and I look at each other and chuckle.

"Hermione, holiday's for having fun and breaking rules, I can't watch you read the whole time." Ron joked.

"Oh Ronald, you're just not mature enough yet to understand that reading is infinitely fun, a whole bout of information stored in paper with just the ink on a quill." Ron rolled his eyes and the two continued bickering as they moved upstairs.

I walked over to a couch to relax, it's been a long day. Suddenly the excitement of summer starts to fade as my heart aches for the boy with lightning blonde hair and a daring smile. Ginny must notice my lack of enthusiasm, because she heads over to sit next to me.

"Hi Harry"

"Hey Ginny"

"Why do you look so glum?"

"No reason in particular," I lie, "just miss Hogwarts a bit I guess".

"I don't miss that place one bit, I'm actually dreading going back there next term actually".

"Ginny, you're safe now, Tom Riddle can't hurt you anymore, it's been over a year since we destroyed that diary." I assured her.

"I know" she said, leaning a bit closer as she looked into my eyes, "you saved me". Uh oh...this can't be happening.

Hermione's POV
As I'm walking down the stairs for a glass of water I see a dreadful sight. Ginny is leaning in close to Harry, it looks as if she's about to kiss him! I have to interject.

"Ginny!" I say enthusiastically, "I've been searching all over for you, I'm ready to show you that wolfsbane I found in the woods!"

She backs away from Harry quickly and jumps up from the couch, "Oh yeah! Great Hermione, lets go do that!" Her voice is shaky as she pretends like nothing just happened, and her face burns crimson red.

Harry sits on the couch looking dumbfounded and a little bit disturbed. Oh my Harry, now you're leading on oblivious girls who think you're straight, what are we ever going to do with you...

Harry's POV
I make a mental note to thank Hermione later as they head out the door to look at wolfsbane. I can't believe Ginny still has feelings for me, I knew she had a little crush, but that- that was too close. I need to stay a loyal boyfriend to Draco.

Later that night, after dinner, I sit at the desk by Ron and I's bunkbed composing a letter:

Dear Draco,
I miss you more than you could imagine...The sweet relief of summer has faded quickly as I am left in my thoughts thinking of you. I long to be with you, by your side. I can't wait for the next term to see you again, I will find a way for us to be together before then. Do you remember that night you helped me forge the letter for Hogsmeade? That was when I first realized you were something special to me, and no one could ever match how you make me feel. We will be together soon, I promise Malfoy. Stay well, my handsome slytherin,


Harry.   xoxo

"Hedwig" I call out. My snowy owl lands next to me, perched on the desk. I fold up the letter into an envelope, seal it, label it, and tie it around Hedwigs foot gently but firmly. "You know what to do girl" I say, and with that, she flies out the window to the Malfoy's house.

A/N -Wow, I didn't think I'd be continuing this story, but I'm really happy with how this chapter turned out. Please let me know what you thought and vote so I'm inspired to write more sooner!

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