The Last Day of School

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Sonic the Hedgehog tapped on his friend's shoulder at least fifty times before he responded. "What do you want?" Shadow asked, taking out his earphones. "It's your time to present!" The blue annoyance urged. "Present what?" "You know, the whole show and tell thing that's been going on for the entire period."

"The year's practically over," Shadow rolled his eyes as he fished an ornate silver-and-glass tube out of his backpack, from which a purple glow was emitted. "What's that?" Sonic asked as he peeked, "The Scepter of--" "Shut up," Shadow stood and set his phone on his desk. He punched Sonic in the arm, saying, "Faker."

He went on and on about the history of Mephiles and the Scepter of Darkness in a clearly uninterested, monotone voice. He finished, "And his last words were," He stopped as he heard no-so-quiet whispering at the back of the room. Jet smiled and leaned over to Storm's ear to say, "That voice makes it sound like an episode of Sonic Boom!" They poorly hid their laughter as Shadow shook his head with his arms crossed. Suddenly, His World, Zebrahead Version could be heard very quietly. "Huh? Only one faker would play that song, and he left his phone at his house... what are you doing!?"

Sonic was indeed using Shadow's cell phone, leaning back in his chair with a smile and his hands behind his head. Shadow immediately dropped the Scepter and took his phone back. Everyone let out an "Oooh," as glass hit the floor. Shadow cringed before turning himself to face the Scepter, expecting a stream of purple stuff to shoot into the ground and imitate somebody's form. Instead, he swiftly picked it up and observed a miniscule crack on its side, sighing in relief. He stuffed it back in his bag as the bell rang.

For the last week, the cafeteria had served "chef's choice," so no one dared to risk it in a gamble of their parents' (or some other guys' who might pretend to be their parents and have conversations alone XD) money. Shadow had no lunch, and he didn't really care. Neither did Sonic, who reached into Tails' backpack and grabbed a bag of Cheetos on his way out of the classroom. "Tails! Wait up!" He caught up with his two-tailed buddy and shoved in his snack into his artificial-cheese-sucking face hole. "Never thought I'd have to slow down for the fastest thing alive," said Tails.

The two sat at a lone table. Tails finally asked, "Where did you get those Cheetos anyway?" He was ignored when Knuckles sat across from him. They performed some kind of weird handshake before they talked. "So Knux, what's new with you?" Knuckles popped his...well, knuckles...and guzzled some Powerade before announcing, "Okay, I was thinking of a shipping name for Big and Blaze. Should it be Blig, or should it be Baze?" Sonic replied, "Oh, that's a tough one. Hmm. Blig makes it clear who are being shipped, but Baze sounds a lot better. Maybe it could be Blize, but it just kind of sounds like a hillbilly saying Blaze," Knux said, "Yeah, it's too bad he'll never get a girl. He needs more attention in fan fictions, too."

Silver set his tray down and sat aside Knux. He said, "I like to think that one day, a girl just like Big will enroll here, and they'll fall in love! And maybe she'll have a pet, too!" Sonic and Knuckles (ha, that's not very funny actually) shared emotionless expressions as they awkwardly nodded. Silver frowned. "I'll just... leave, if you w-want," He carried his tray over to Blaze's table.

Everyone was then allowed to go outside, and they immediately progressed through the door and down the stairs in a crowded mass. Tails asked Sonic as they left, "You stole my Cheetos, didn't you?" He received no answer and was forced to follow his supposedly busy friend outside. On the playground, Jet and Wave played catch with four Chaos Emeralds at once. "You got green," shouted Wave, "That's five points!" Sonic rushed over to them and yelled, "What the heck are you doing? How'd you get those!?"'Jet smirked. "From your bedroom. You gotta share sometimes!"

Wave tossed an emerald which hadn't been thrown yet. It landed at Jet's feet as he commented, "Not bad!" A frog had leapt onto the gem, but quickly hopped away. Jet hurled the four shining projectiles toward her. Suddenly, Big the Cat ran in the way shouting "Froggy!" The emeralds collided with Big's body and bounced away, into the sky. The group stared into the ether as their greatest source of power flew off. A tear streaked down Jet's cheek as he said, "There they go, onto the surface of some alien planet to meet their new owners."

"Watch out!" cried Sonic as the emeralds fell and struck the Earth. Wave frantically gathered them and asked, "I have three right here. Where's the other one?" Shadow skated over and crossed his arms. "Where's that d*mn fourth Chaos Emerald?" Sonic facepalmed and admitted, "Shadow, cussing's no longer cool with your new voice," Shadow argued, "It's not my fault I'm stuck with a generic, villainous actor."

Tails pointed to a tree nearby. "There it is! Hold on, I've got this," He flew to the cluster of branches in which the green emerald sat. He landed next to it and reached in. "Ugh, I can't reach it! Maybe Knuckles could climb up here smash this whole section of the tree off..." Sonic called for Knuckles, but he didn't come. He was flirting with someone.

Sonic pulled a small pouch from somewhere and searched through it. "Here it is, the Sky Gem!" He threw it and missed the branch, sending it way off into the distance. He flew off, out of sight. Shadow finally decided to try it himself. "Pft. You and your pathetic friends will get nowhere. Let me try." He shot the branch with a Chaos spear, which did nothing at all. "Fine, here goes," He then scaled the tree and reached in. "Almost...there..." Silver approached them. "I can help!" He used his psychokinesis to move the cluster onto the ground so that only the branch with the emerald remained. "A-ha!" Shadow exclaimed as he jumped to the branch. He hung on to his small wooden support with one hand and held the Chaos Emerald in the other.

He struggled to pull himself up as Sonic flew back. "Yahoo!" he shouted as he returned. He crashed into Shadow and they piled up on the grass below. Shadow pushed Sonic off of himself and said, "The last day of school isn't turning out as well as I thought it would," Suddenly, Rouge the Bat flew by and perched herself upon the branch above. She gripped the Scepter of Darkness in her hands. "Long time no see, Shadow," He squinted and replied, "But, we met last this morning," Rouge ignored him, admiring the Scepter. He sighed and thought aloud, "I knew I shouldn't let the Scepter out of my sight, especially with a kleptomaniac just around the corner."

"So, Shad, what will it be? Three hundred, four hundred, maybe five hundred rings?" She layed on her belly and ran her fingertips across the relic, then looked back down for a final price. Shadow narrowed his eyes and told, "It's not for sale. Give it here,"

The branch broke and sent Rouge and the Scepter falling. Silver tried to help, but only froze Rouge. He released her, but the Scepter fell and bursted open on the ground. Purple whatever formed a mist which was soon concentrated into a single beam. This beam shot into Shadow's shadow, from which black goo rose. An ancient, evil voice called out. "Shadow the Hedgehog, you... will--"

The goo was sucked up by a leafblower. Its operator, Dave the Intern, hit the machine when it stopped working. "C'mon! What the heck, man? First day on the job, and it gets clogged up with something. Actually, how does a leafblower get clogged up?" He looked down the machine, inspecting it. The thick substance shot out and hit Dave in his face. He was knocked out. The goo continued to fly, smacking into the tree. Rouge backed up as it dripped down the bark. When it touched the grass, Mephiles the Dark emerged. He finished his sentence, "die."

In a most miraculous coincidence, the bell rang and everyone disappeared into the superorganism of a crowd of relieved students. It was agreed that Sonic would still keep the emeralds.

Summer had begun.

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