Tonight We Dine in Hell (And Everything Else)

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Alright, before we get this chapter started, I just want to make something clear. I typed up an awesome one-thousand-two-hundred or so words on a Google Doc the day before I started writing this. But, the whole doc was on my school EMail, because I couldn't get a stable Internet connection in my room, and I was last logged in on that account. As I'm typing this, I'm trying my best to recall what I wrote, because for whatever reason, in the middle of the summer, my school decided to terminate all student accounts, the day before I tried to copy the text and paste into this doc on my main EMail, (Mail me some chapter ideas, will ya?) I would try to store the data on Wattpad as a draft, but some weird stuff happens. Freaky buttons, disappearing text, multiple errors at once, y'know.

So, if you were anticipating a great story, d9! Oh sorry, that was my cat... Anyway, I'll try my hardest to not give you a glorified list of memories. Enjoy! Oh, and sorry for another Silver and Shadow chapter!


"The train headed for the Mystic Ruins will be departing soon," the voice echoed throughout the station.

"It's as if Knuckles loses a piece of the Master Emerald every other day," Rouge said.

"And the whole gang has to go on a wild goose chase for him each time," added Shadow.

Sonic zipped into the train and seated himself aside Blaze. Silver sat between the two, and Shadow nearest the door. The journey for Angel Island had began. Shadow plugged in his earphones and Silver fell asleep.

Later, Silver slumped over onto Blaze as they rode over a bridge. He was pushed onto Sonic and back again. "I gotta take a jog to the loo, mates," he declared as he stood and headed for the door. "Silver! Don't!" everyone shouted. He looked back as he opened the door. "Huh?"

Shadow, being closest to the falling hedgehog, grabbed his hand. Silver flailed about and screamed, "Kermit, I don't wanna go to McDonald's anymore! They have bad rice! BAD RICE! And don't get me started on Mercedes Benz and their rotten cheese..." Shadow tried to calm him, "Silver..."

"Heaven is a paper plate--"

"SILVER! Calm down! Now get up; you're kind of heavy,"

"Ooh, what's that? A bird! Woah! Hey, my comic book!"

He jumped away and floated off into the jungle. Shadow slipped and fell. He dangled by his earphones, the door closed on the wire. They slid out and he fell down to the ground with Silver. "Ah!"

"Oh, no. I wanna keep my memories!" he exclaimed as he flew down to the soil, headfirst. He closed his eyes. Smack! He crashed into Silver and knocked him onto the ground. Silver squeezed to the top of the pile and read. "Tee-hee! Mechanical morons!" Shadow stood and asked, "What are you reading?"

He snatched the comic. "Hey, give that back!" cried Silver. Shadow looked away in disgust. "Ew, early Archie. It was never good until they got to SA2. I can't stand this garbage," He tossed the comic into mud. Silver ran after it. "But, they're funny! Aw, you got Issue #8 covered in mud. Ooh, but it's still legible." He read on and on for hours on end as Shadow searched for a way to get out of the jungle.

"Sonic, hurry up and eat your dinner! I'm gonna have to buy more plastic fruit now! Hahahahaha--" Shadow drew his pistol. "Why don't you SHUT UP FOR ONE SECOND!?" He shot Silver, who dropped to the dirt with a thud. "Ah, finally. Peace and quiet."

He wandered into the unknown, searching for that d*mned fourth Chaos Emerald-I mean, an exit. Eventually, he heard rustling in the bushes behind him. He turned to see Silver, who ran over to him. "That was SO cool! Can you do that again?" Shadow facepalmed and said, "Sonic. That faker must've switched 'em for blanks."

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