Thinking Peanut

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"It's here! It's here! It's here! It's here! It's here!" Silver shouted in anticipation. "Calm down, I'll get the door," Blaze said. Dave the Intern was at the door. "Hey, what's up? Anyway, I got fired from my first job at Meh Burger for revealing the secret recipe, then from leaf-blowing because I somehow managed get something lodged into the leaf-blower, but whatever. Here's your package, ma'am. I'm just gonna need the signature of Silver the Hedgehog."

"Oh, um, just a sec--" Silver rushed to receive his package. "Oh boy, it's finally here! I thought it would never come!" He signed an illegible signature and took the large cardboard box. "Uh, excuse me," Dave said, "This package wasn't sent for a... Sliver the Head Gauge?" Blaze laughed. "You'll have to excuse his handwriting, but that's Silver."

"Sliver the head gauge" bolted inside and ripped open the box. He littered bubble wrap and packing peanuts everywhere. Blaze yawned and looked at the clock. "It's already nine! I need to get some shut-eye." Silver argued, "But Blaze! This is the first time I ever ordered something from the back of a comic book and it didn't get lost during shipping! Plus, I have to show you an awesome picture of Shadow in a pink bikini!" Blaze ignored him and shut the door to her bedroom. "Sorry! Tomorrow, I promise."

Silver sighed and reached his hand into the box. He gasped. "Here it is, my magic 8-ball! Oh wise teller of fortunes, will I ever get my own TV series?" The ball played a high-pitched jingle and a generic female voice answered, "Outlook not so good," Silver thought for a moment. He asked in a low voice, "Will I ever get married?" The jingle played, "Most likely," He clenched his fist. "Yesssss..."

He checked and saw that indeed batteries were already in it. He looked at the tiny space between Blaze's door and the carpet.

"Hmm. Magic 8-ball, if I try really hard, is it possible for me shrink down to the size of a peanut?"


"Okay. Alright. But, is it okay if I steal something?"

"Outlook not so good..."

"Just once?"

"It is decidedly so."

In the middle of the night, Silver darted over to Sonic's house. He pressed his back against the brick wall and listened. He heard someone showering inside. Sonic said, "Man, taking an ice-cold shower at midnight sure does calm the nerves. Good thing I brought plenty of chili dogs!" Silver thought to himself, "That guy's so cool. I wanna do what he's doing. Sound's like fun. But, I'm on a mission! I gotta get the one thing that could let me get closer to Blaze! Ooh, I could finally determine the scent of her fur, once and for all."

"Gotta think peanut. Gotta think peanut," Silver psychokinetically shattered the window above him and floated inside. "THINKING PEANUT!" He tumbled onto the floor. "Come on, where are they?" Sonic opened the door of the shower and took a bite of his wet chili dog. "Whatchya lookin' for?" Silver stood and answered quietly, "Your sh-shoes."

Sonic took another bite before turning around to see his broken window. He turned back around. "Ever played Casinopolis?" Silver said nothing. Sonic continued, "I always wear shoes when I shower, it's part of the Hedgehog Code," Silver asked, "How come I've never heard of the Hedgehog code?"

"'Cause I made it up... if you need my shoes, I have another pair in the closet. But, they're not the Custom Shoes," Silver blinked slowly. "But... I need the Custom Shoes," Sonic finished his chili dog and grabbed another from a platter in the shower. "Well, I'll go change, then," Sonic walked off. Silver stood silently for a long time.

Sonic walked back and took another bite of his chili dog, standing in the doorway. "Well, um, here you are," He tossed the shoes. Silver caught them (surprisingly) and put them on. He said, "I'm also gonna need the Purple Gem," Sonic walked away again. He came back with a small purple jewel and two curved pieces. "Just put the two little pieces in the back of the shoes, and you'll be good to go. Squeeze the gem to shrink, but there's a cooldown for un-shrinking of about thirty seconds."

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