Jet's Party

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Going along his usual route, Sonic sifted through his pouch of gems, looking for something interesting to use. Tails flew overhead and decided to land, walking aside him. "I heard Jet's throwing a party," he informed. Sonic did his weird sub-nasal finger thing as he said, "He throws parties every Friday. It's like his parents are off somewhere new all the time," Tails urged, "But he says this one's gonna be different. It'll be awesome! He got three new HedgehogStation controllers and a swimming pool!" Sonic stopped walking to ask, "Fine. When is it and who will be there?" Tails responded, "From seven 'til ten. Everybody's coming." Sonic gave a thumb's-up and sped off. "Got it!"

When he returned to his home, he checked the clock. 3:30, plenty of time. He played Live and Learn on his phone, setting it in a glass to amplify the volume. He sang along as he ran on a treadmill, at its fastest speed.

Much later, Tails stood before Sonic's front door and pounded away. The music was so loud, that he could hear Knight of the Wind from outside. He called the Blue Blur's name a few times before entering. He covered his ears as he stepped in closer, simultaneously trying not to sing along as well as did Sonic before. "Sonic?" he called out. He reached the phone, muting it. "Sonic?" he called yet again. He turned around to see his friend still running on his treadmill.

"Sonic, you're late!" Tails approached him slowly, confused as to why he didn't answer. As he walked in front of Sonic, he noticed that he was asleep. Surprised, Tails then looked at the monitor, which read that the belt was rotating at an impressive thirty miles per hour.

Sonic opened his eyes and began to run backwards. "'Sup?" Tails warned, "You're late for the party! You're gonna miss out. It's already nine."

Sonic and his friend zipped to Jet's lively abode, animated with blinding lights and pulsing music. The lyrics of Un-gravitify could be heard clearly from the street. The door suddenly slammed open as Scourge stepped out. "Okay, okay, alright!" he called out behind him before he closed it. "Jeez," he said as he paced slowly to the garage. He pulled a box from his jacket and a lighter as well. He lit a cigarette and smoked. He then looked into the garage. "Man, what a nice ride," he commented, rubbing his hand along the side of an expensive red car. "And that trunk? Big enough to empty a bank and take every last penny. It'd be perfect for smuggling stuff over the zone border..." He paused and looked around himself, prepared to break into the car and hotwire it.

"Oh hey, Sonic! Tails!" The two ignored Scourge other than giving him a wave. Once they entered the house, they were thrown into the craziest party they've ever seen. Their first sight was Knuckles, who was surrounded by a group of spectators. He said, "And taking down the last one was just like this," to demonstrate, he tore a floorboard out and smashed his head directly through it. He tossed its remains into a pile of various broken objects.

As Sonic and Tails continued on their wacky tour, they witnessed Storm chugging Chaos Cola as his audience cheered him on, pounding the table with their fists. Alone sat Shadow, on the couch with his arms crossed. He looked about with a better-than-you frown as if to say "I really wish I weren't here right now."

Amy walked by in a bathing suit, but stopped when she noticed Sonic. "OMG! Sonic, you HAVE to come swim with me!" Sonic was pulled along against his will as Tails followed. Rouge stood in front of Shadow, persuading, "Come on, Shadow. Don't you wanna swim? Don't you wanna see me swim?" She leaned closer. Disgusted, Shadow turned away with a "Hmph."

In the backyard, Amy pulled Sonic to the edge of a fairly small swimming pool. He struggled to keep his balance as he was nearly thrown in. "Whoa, hold up!" he called out.

Rouge and Shadow stepped outside. Shadow said, "That Swiss roll better be worth it," and stood before the pool. Shadow "pft'd" as he saw Amy holding Sonic's tail and Sonic running in place. Rouge stepped into the pool and settled along its rim. Shadow climbed in and pushed Silver to the side. "Move over."

Suddenly, Sonic had leapt into the pool, screaming and flailing about his spaghetti-noodle arms in an incongruent manner, until he crashed into the water. He resurfaced between Shadow's legs with a "yahoo!" Shadow scrambled to a standing position, his hands supporting him by gripping onto the pool's edges. He crawled away as if Sonic were some kind of foreign contaminant trying to infect him. "Get away from me, you faker!" he yelled as he drew a pistol.

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