Franchise on Trial

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"You all know why you're here, but he who shall not be referenced needs a bit of exposition," a loud voice boomed overhead, "You have not only broken the spacetime continuum by acknowledging events which you could not have recalled in the previous part which shall not be referenced by name, but you have exposed this universe's scripter!"

Silver started to cry. "But, the author made me--" "SILENCE! Look what you have done!" Silver sniffed as the judge pointed to a pile of bricks with a sign overhead. The sign read, "The Fourth Wall," Concerned, Blaze rested a hand on Silver's shoulder as he leaned onto the podium in shame. The judge continued, "And you, Shadow the Hedgehog, have been called "Dad," by a fellow character."

"I'm sorry, your honor. I should have discussed this with him before," Shadow responded.

The judge nodded and added, "You should have as well done so in terms of the Main-Series Game Continuity. Speaking of which, according to this document on the continuity of the work which shall not be named, some of these criminals shouldn't exist."

Scourge vanished and reappeared behind a wall of lasers. Silver argued, "But he has so much to teach me! In fact, I still don't know how to hotwire a car," he turned to Scourge, who assured, "Don't worry about me, kiddo. I've been imprisoned a million times. I wish I taught you to be my getaway driver a little better, but I'll get out of this place soon enough."

The judge leaned forward and folded his hands on his desk. "Now, regarding the issue of Sonic's sexuality," The hedgehog in question finished a chili dog before raising his eyebrows, clearly wanting for this to be over.

"After witnessing the events of Shadow's harassing, what are the spectators who shall not be named to think?" Sonic asked, "Wait, I have spectators?" He looked at the crowds of account avatars around him, who were scrolling through something on their phones, tablets, and laptops. The judge dismissed it, "That matters not. It matters how you react to men and women within this universe. You seem disinterested in any female characters, and you deal great attention to males. What are they to believe, here?" Sonic shrugged and ate a second chili dog.

"What is that?" the judge interrogated. Sonic responded, "What, this? A chili dog. I had plenty that I found in my backpack. I would offer you one, but they're covered in shower-water," The judge rolled his eyes and stated, "No food or drinks are allowed inside when court is in session. I don't know how many times I've had to repeat that over the years."

Scourge lit a cigarette in his cell. The judge spotted him and commanded, "No smoking either! Now put those in the trash!" A guard reached his hand through the bars and confiscated them.

Sonic started to walk off. "Man, I gotta use it! Anybody else?" No one even turned around. "What about you, Shadow?" Shadow faced him with an annoyed expression. The judge facepalmed. "See? This is the exact matter of which I spoke!" Sonic walked away. "Geesh, whatever," He slowly rounded the corner and went to the restroom. Everyone watched after he entered. Ten seconds passed.

Sonic zipped over to Shadow and grabbed his hand, speeding away with him. The spectators typed comments like mad. "Come back here!" the judge demanded. Sonic returned, letting Shadow be and standing around as he did nothing. The judge declared, "Listen. We as a community have collectively decided your sentence. By the power invested in the Chaos Emeralds, under the watchful eyes of our spectators, we hereby imprison you for your deeds. Don't fret though, your room is quite comfy. In fact, our Director made it like a luxury house or whatever. Never question Him. Now, off with you all!"

Sonic and the others were escorted to a massive mansion (cool Zone name) with many rooms and floors. Dave awaited their arrival. He allowed them access in an amazing doorman costume. As they entered, he whispered, "It doesn't seem to bad, but it's the feast before the execution..."

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