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After the party, everyone biked, ran, or flew home, to enjoy their summer break. Tails yawned as he stepped outside. Behind him came Knuckles, walking aside Sonic. Tails stopped Sonic to tell him, "Oh, I almost forgot. At my workshop--" "Not now, just a sec," Sonic interrupted him. He pushed Tails to the side as he went on, "So, Knux,

you gotta see this video..." the two walked off. Tails sighed and returned to his house.

He turned over to pet his stuffed Chao before diving into bed. He set his alarm clock for... why, he set it not at all. He wouldn't need to wake up at any specific time.

In his dreams, he heard the menacing voice of Dr. Eggman. "... before I turn you into mincemeat..." The words echoed until they were no longer audible. Suddenly, lightning struck. Tails cringed, but did not scream nor hide, conquering his fear of the heavens' deadly wrath. Then, he heard the sound of a distant wave crashing.

He looked around. He sat on sand. In front of him, he saw cars driving about and citizens cheering. The building before him had a large sign on it, which read "SS CENTRAL STATION."

He stood and walked to the station's steps, encountering a mother and her son. The child pointed to him and announced, "There he is, that's him!" Tails came closer and asked, "Me?" The boy confirmed, "Yeah! I saw it all. You were way cool!" Tails thanked him and continued to wander about the town.

He walked near SS Books and looked up into the cloudy sky. "Hey!" a voice called from behind. Tails flew over to a news stand and saw that the lady behind it was smiling. She held a newspaper in her hand and said, "Wow, Tails. Great work! You made the headline!" She gave Tails the paper. The head article read "New Hero Defeats Dr. Eggman! Tails the fox saved Station Square by battling the Egg Walker and stopping a missile from detonating. Previously only Sonic's sidekick, Tails has proven to be a worthy protector of our city..."

A little girl ran over to him and said, "Tails, you're so cool. I wish I could fly, too," A man came to him to say, "This is my lovely daughter. She was really impressed to see you in action!"

After thanking them, Tails was knocked onto the ground by a blast of strong wind. The girl pointed and cheered, "Look Daddy, It's Sonic!" Tails stood and turned. He saw none other than the Blue Blur himself, leaning against the wall next to the news stand. He appeared considerably younger. Tails also noticed that around Sonic's right wrist was a thick blue bracelet. He downed a chili dog as the lady at the stand said, "He did much better than I expected. I didn't think he could handle that all by himself."

Sonic licked chili from his lips and burped before asking, "You talkin' about me?" The lady shook her head as she corrected, "No, silly! Tails. He defeated Eggman without any help," Sonic drunkenly rested a hand on Tails' shoulder as he congratulated, "Tails, buddy, I'm proud of ya," His hand slipped off as he backed up, bumping into the stand. He took a sip of Chaos Cola and sat on the stand. "I swear, I've gotta know what they put in this stuff. Anyway, what's today's news?" He pulled a newspaper from below himself and read it. "New Hero Defeats Dr. Egghead..." his voice trailed off. Suddenly, his eyes grew to the size of soda cans as he spat Cola onto the paper. It became drenched. "Hold on, I need a new one," he said as he grabbed another paper and read again. He spat more Cola onto the ground.

"Tails, you... to quote a certain evil scientist, I can't believe this! You mean, you beat Eggman without me? That's amazing! Unbelievable... I think somebody could use a congratulatory chili dog," Sonic tossed a few rings back to the news stand before speeding off with Tails.

Sonic hopped onto a stool in front if an outdoor shop called Radical Chili. He motioned for Tails to sit as he said, "This place is the best," The owner leaned onto the counter as he asked, "What'll it be, my friend? I see you've brought our new hero!" Sonic leaned back in his chair, popping his back. "Yeah, he's got some wicked sick moves! I thought he deserved a celebratory chili dog or five. So, we'll have ten dogs with the works, please!"

After a short wait, the friends were served two platters, each acting as the base for a massive pile of chili dogs. When they finished, Sonic asked, "Hey, wanna play Twinkle Circuit? You'll never beat me," Tails declined his offer, "Nah. You know, I don't think that I need to try to keep up with you anymore. I can fight just as well by myself."

Sonic smiled and said, "Yeah, and I need time to plan out my vacation," Then, the dream faded away. If only Sonic were this considerate and friendly now. Tails rolled out of bed and checked the time, 10:03. He pet his stuffed Chao and headed down the hallway. He heard Open Your Heart in the distance.

Rounding the corner, he saw someone sitting on his couch and holding a GameCube controller. "Sonic, what are you doing in my house!?" He damaged Perfect Chaos and said, "You're the one who has the DX version! You think I'm gonna play my copy? I look like I'm made out of blue paint and cardboard boxes in the original," Tails walked into the kitchen saying, "Hmm, I just had a dream about this game."

Sonic paused the game and said, "Wait... if the Steam Machine runs out of steam, will Valve make the GabeCube?" Tails ignored this terrible pun and opened the fridge. "Oh, you made me forget! I made some modifications to the Tornado!" Sonic ignored him and continued playing

"Hello? Did you hear what I just said?" Annoyed, Tails stood in front of the TV, waving his arms. Sonic looked around him and sang, "If it won't stop, there will be no future for us!" Tails rested his finger upon the GameCube's power button. Sonic leaped forward and dropped his controller. "PLEASE!" he cried in desperation. He knelt as Tails held the controller. "I'm running out of rings!" On the TV, Super Sonic stood in place, the rings counter going down. "No!" Tails waited until Sonic lost a life before he handed the controller back to him. "Ugh, I had a really good run going. Oh well, I'll just try again!" He sat down again and craned his neck around to see. "Sonic, stop!" Tails called out. He paused and looked at Tails with a face of pure "what is it now?"

Tails lowered his voice and begged, "Sonic, why do you always ignore me? Aren't we supposed to be friends? "Okay, fine, I'll listen..."


Well, this chapter introduces a new side-plot thing! Sonic never listened to Tails, but will try to in the future! I don't know why, but to quote a song from I game which I just beat today, I don't need a reason.

A Supersonic SummerWhere stories live. Discover now