Nobody; Ship in a Bottle (Set Sail)

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You can call me whatever you want, I don't care. Doesn't really matter in the end when you think about it. You can call me Mr. Nobody.

When I open my eyes, all I see are clouds graying a blue sky. A plane appeared through set of thin grey lines. Curious how something like that is seen and no one gives a damn. No one bats an eye at it, being so common. Sometimes It's not even noticed at all. The thought seemed so sad to me. That's the moment I was suddenly aware of my body, the sensations coming back in a flood. The girl on top of me smelt like heist and vomit. I couldn't tell if that was just me or her or both? Anyhow, she stunk and my head was in a spin. I needed my space to catch some air back into my lungs. So I pulled myself out of her with a lift and a shimmy and then carefully put the girl on her back beside me. That's when I noticed the girl had nothing on at all. I smirked and tried to recall last night? But nothing was coming back to me. My pants were at my thy's and my shirt had gone missing. Pulling them up, I looked around the front yard. I was on someone's roof; a farm house, it looked like. There were tents everywhere, trash thrown and people unconscious in their own filth or some one else's. It was the remains of a fun and chaotic night. And I hated myself for not being able to remember it.

The clouds rolled on, making the sky more clear. The plane was gone, which was stupidly making me feel worse. I didn't know how long Id been sitting here. I guessed two hours. Maybe one and a half? My free time had been more free then it usual would be in the last month and I really didn't have anything to do today by result of that fact. So I stopped trying to remember last night, and instead focused on my surroundings. The house looked old, and the land didn't look like it'd been used for anything farming related for a long time. I thought that was sad. Just as sad as the missing plane. Why have a farm house and land if you weren't going to do anything with it. Then again, seeing the tents and bodies, it should've crossed my mind that it was being used. Just not in the way it originally intended, or should be. I made a face at the horizon, shrugging my shoulders. Then I reached into my back pocket and my eyes went wide. It wasn't there. Panicked, I looked down at the ground, thinking maybe I dropped it, but I didn't want to have to jump down to look. Someone didn't cut the damn grass, which made it hard to see anything. I twisted myself to look along the roof but found nothing either. That's when my attention came back to the naked girl. I thought for a second, then crawled toward her until I was just hovering over her breasts. I studied her a little while, she didn't look half bad. Must have been a really good night. My eyes were then drawn to her hands, and luckily one of them had it. I sighed in relief when I took the flask out of her loose fingers and then took back a small swig, enjoying the pinch as it went down. There wasn't much left and I was a little pissed about that. The girl must have been taking some when I wasn't looking. Greedy bitch! I went back to her and what felt like the fifth time studying the girl, I thought about what to do next. Was I to wake her? Should I leave her be? Could I just slip back inside her? They were all so easy to answer-

Lighting stuck from somewhere on the other side of the house. It was faint, but noticeable enough for me to be startled. I thought for a moment the girl would wake up but she didn't even ster. That's when I thought she might be dead, but I could see her chest rising and falling. Plus she'd make this gargled noise once in a while. It was repulsive, so I crab walked with my flask back down were I was before. I let my legs dangle over the edge this time, kicking them into the air like a kid. A tune came to mind and I wanted to whistle it. But I was never very good at whistling, so instead I just sipped from my flask and gargled it like mouth wash, feeling the burn linger. That kind of pain never bothered me. The dark clouds were closer now, but just further enough away to figure the storm wasn't coming my way. I was disappointed. Curious how one enjoys certain things that nobody else does? I've always loved the rain, getting caught in it, jumping in puddles and catching drops in my mouth. The salty flavors of sea water from somewhere far away. It reminded me of my time on my grandfathers boat. Watching the curves of the water in motion with the vessel. The sound of the gulls when we'd haul in fish, always trying to snatch one. It felt so long ago, but at the same time not so long ago. I couldn't understand that. Sometimes I'd see myself back there, feel the boat sway and hear the sails rattle against the wind. It was like a whole other world out there. We could sail for days and wouldn't see any land, lost and alone. It was nice to feel lost and alone sometimes, like a ship in a bottle. Not seeing were you're going, were you came from. Better to not even care about either and let the sea and the wind take you. I let out a sigh for the rising wind to catch, thinking for a second the low sound could be heard. Curious if I could still hear it faintly. But when I didn't hear anything, I decided it was a stupid thought.

My flask was empty and eventually I became restless. I wish I had a book, some Whitman or something to help fall into myself, or do the opposite? But all my best titles was in my pack, which was in a locker at the train station. I cursed underneath my breath, only to question as to why I was whispering? So I decided to shout the curse, laughing while I did so. That's when the noise behind me made me regret that choice. The girl was up, holding her head with one hand while the other kept herself from falling. It looked like she was going to keel over. That would have been funny to see. She eyed me for a long time, both of us in a stand still of silence and uncertainty. "Who the fuck are you?"

(Working title) Mr. NobodyWhere stories live. Discover now