Mark X reader lemon

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Where tf can you find any Mark X readers!!??
How long had it been? Two, three days since the break up? I was laying down on my not so comfy bed as I thought about him. Tord. He said he loved me. Lie. Said we'd be happy together. Lie. Said he never slept with that girl. Lie. Lies on lies on lies. So, one day, I got sick of it. I packed up my things. Said my goodbyes. And left. Now I'm stuck here, in an uncomfortable and dirty hotel room, waiting for Mark to call me back. He was the first person I had called after the whole 'me leaving' thing, in fact, he was the only person. Calling my parents would've been a massive no no, since they thought Tord and I were gonna get married. Which we were planning. But Tord started going on more of his little 'missions'. Which really meant the bar. I started tearing up at the thought of him with another woman, naked. Instead of just letting it all out and having another bawling fit. I swallowed it down. I didn't need him. I could do this on my own. Right? I shook my head, it wasn't a question. Right. I sat there for a few more minutes, giving myself a little pep-talk before feeling my phone buzz from my pocket. 'Must be Mark' I thought, turning it on and bringing it up to my ear, not even bothering to check who it was. Mark had been the only one I had contacted. So I didn't think it could be any one else. "Hello?" I asked, messing with a piece of paper that was sitting on the desk beside the bed. "(Y/n)?" I sighed, it wasn't Mark. It was the asshole I refer to as Tord, "What?" I asked, my voice icy. "Just wanted to see how you were holding up. "His voice was sheepish, I smirked, "Well, I'm doing just fine. So, why don't you go and fuck your little whores whilst I actually get a life!" I yelled, not giving him the chance to reply, I hung up. For a split second, I actually felt kind of bad. But that was soon gone and I was back to my regular state. Hearing the phone buzz again from the bed, I picked it up. This time checking on who it was, Mark. Thank. God. I picked it up, "Sup Mark?" I asked, trying to play it cool. He chuckled before replying, "You sound happy today, something happen?" I rolled my eyes, "You're acting like it's a bad thing, and yes. Something did happen. " I heard him sigh, "And what would that something be?" I plopped down on the bed and turned on my stomach, "Just put the commie in his place." I could here Eduardo laughing in the background, "Am I on speaker?" I asked, trying my best not to sound angry, Eduardo yelled out, "Yup! And good for you! You don't need all that mess!" I chuckled a little bit, "Thanks!" I said, still laughing a little. He sounded like that one over enthusiastic friend that would literally beat the shit out of a guy for flirting with her bestie. (We all have one. Don't deny it.) "Ok, well (Y/n), I was curious if I could treat you to dinner tonight?" I faked a gasp, "Mark, are you asking me on a date?" I could hear him stutter, "N-no! Just a friend thing! Listen, I know you've been going through a lot lately and I thought dinner could help out a bit." Eduardo was laughing his ass off, "He's askin ya out (y/n)!" I was glad we were talking over the phone, cause my face was heating up by the second. "Anyways, " Mark said, "5:00 sound good?" I nodded, then felt stupid for nodding because he obviously couldn't see it, "Yeah, sounds good. What do you want me to wear?" I chuckled to myself as I heard Mark gulp, "Whatever you want I guess." Smirking, I decided to tease him, "So would my birthday suit be alright?" I was sure his face was red, "N-No! Just casual clothes!" My phone was almost dead, "Alright, see you at five!" Before he could reply, I hung up. I really needed to stop doing that. Standing up, I looked in the mirror and shrugged, "Good enough." I mumbled, going over by the door to get my (f/c) tennis shoes, slipping them on, I heard a knock on my door, looking over at the clock above my bed, I made a confused face. He said five, it was only three fifty-six. Stocking my way over to the door, I looked out the little peephole. Ugh. Tord. He held up a shaky hand and knocked again, "(y/n)? Listen. I just want to talk." I rolled my eyes and sighed before opening the door a few inches, "About what?" I glared at him. He looked nervous, but it wasn't genuine. It was just an act and I knew it. "Can you please just let me in?" He said, looking in at me. I sighed yet again and opened the door so he could come in, "Make yourself at home." I said sarcastically, he went over to the bed and sat, "So, what did you want?" I crossed my arms, waiting for an answer. "To talk. Listen, what I did was stupid-" I interrupted him, "No." He looked up at me, "What?" He asked, "You don't get to do that, you here me? You don't get to just waltz in here and expect me to forgive you. Ok? You can't!" Tears threatened to fall as I glared at him, he stood up and walked over to me, wrapping his arms around me. "You can't just do what you've done and think for a second that I might forgive you! I loved you! I gave up everything, for you!" I yelled, hitting his chest. After a few more hits I gave up. Stuffing my face in his red hoody, "So you can't. I won't let you!" I yelled into his chest. He started stroking my hair, "I know, I know." He kept saying it over and over again, "No, no you don't. You don't know what it's like, thinking you love someone, and then seeing them with someone else. I hate you!" I pushed him away with all my might, "You don't know what it's like worrying if the one you cared about is gonna die every time they go on a 'mission' just to find out that they're picking up random women in bars! The sad part is, I had to find out by asking Paul! Someone who shouldn't even know about it!" I yelled even louder this time, already sure I was gonna get complaints later. "I hate you, go to hell!" I walked up to him and slapped him hard accross the face before grabbing his arm and throwing him out into the hallway. I felt him banging on the door as I sank down in behind it, "(Y/n)! Open the damn door!" That's how I really caught on to his little charade, I'd seen him when he was worried, and he would never cuss. The only time he would cuss was when he was angry. And I wasn't about to deal with that, after about fifteen minutes it stopped. Looking out, I noticed he was there. Sighing in relief, I looked at the time. Holy crap! That had taken an hour!? It was now close to five, I quickly headed to the bathroom and washed my face, my eyes were still a bit puffy, but I didn't really care. Usually, a girl my age would cover it up with makeup, but makeup, in my opinion, was for chumps. Why put something on just to please other people and their stereotypes? I honestly didn't see the point. I perked up at the sound of knocking at my door, walking over, I looked out to make sure it wasn't Tord again. I smiled and opened the door to see Mark. He looked a bit nervous as he walked in. All my thoughts about what happened earlier were shoved back, "So, where ya taking me?" He chuckled at my forwardness, "Well, the fair's still in town, so I thought we'd just go there." My eyes lit up, I hadn't been to the fair in years! "Yes! That would make me a very happy camper!" I said, hugging his torso. I looked up to see a very present blush on Mark's cheeks. "So, Tord came to visit." I added. Letting go of Mark. I just kind of stood there for a few seconds before feeling two arms wrap around my shoulders. Grabbing on to the back of his purple sweater, I buried my face in his chest. Nothing was said as we just stood there, embracing each other. After a while I looked up at him, "Mark?" I asked, his face was red, I didn't get the chance to speak again, his lips came crashing down on mine. After a few seconds of shock, I quickly melt into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his shoulders whilst he did the same to my waist. I lavished in every second of it. It wasn't rough, like Tord used to. It was perfect. A few more seconds past before we had to break apart for air. Both of us slightly panting, I looked at his lips, hungry for more. He seemed to be thinking the same thing, we said no words as we smashed our lips together once again. We didn't have to. The overwhelming urge to keep our bodies together overthrew any other thoughts going threw my head. I had never felt this before, not even with Tord. That was the main reason I was still a virgin. I was waiting for that feeling. This feeling. I was pulled back out of my thoughts by Marks tongue licking my bottom lip, slightly nibbling too. I opened my mouth, feeling his tongue explore the knew territory. I decided to put up a little fight as I pushed my own tongue into his wet cavern, trying to explore every inch before we needed to break for air. My lower region became more hot by the second as I felt his hands roam my body, pulling me closer. When we both did finally break for air, I bit his lip. Hearing him groan caused me to stop, afraid I had hurt him, I'm assuming he could see the look on my face, "Don't worry (y/n), it felt good." He whispered huskrily in my ear, causing many shivers to go up and down my spine. "M-Mark." Was all I could manage to say in between moans as he started licking and nipping at my neck. Trying my best to be quiet, I pushed him away a bit, earning a small grunt from the male, "Something wrong?" I didn't say anything as I looked over to the bed, trying to give him the hint, which he bought into rather quickly. "You sure you wanna go that far?" He asked, blushing a little himself as he smirked, I nodded. Suddenly I was off the ground, yelping a little, I buried my face in Mark's shoulder as he carried my bridal style towards the bed. I looked up at him as he carefully set me down. Setting his lips on mine again, he slowly started grinding himself into my lower regions. Both of us moaning and grunting with the movements that were being made. I felt two cold hands suddenly go up my shirt, but I didn't really care at that point. I just wanted him. No. I needed him. Helping each other with our clothes, he was now left in only his boxers, me in my bra and panties. I was a moaning mess as he attacked my neck, still making the agonizingly slow movements with his hips. His now warm hands started to snake around my back whilst he undid the straps to my bra before pulling it clean off. Flinching at the sudden lack of warmth, I shot my hands over each breast. MARK glared at my breasts for a moment before moving my hands away, lowering his head, he began to leave little hickeys around the pink buds, an encouraging little phrase with each one, "You're beautiful, I love you, please don't hide." With each one he got closer to my nipples. Finally taking one in his mouth, he began time lick and nip, getting many low moans from me, my thighs squeezed around his waist as my panties were getting soaked, "Mark." I managed to wheeze out between pants, he looked up at me with a slight smirk. Not saying anything, he went back up and began placing little butterfly kisses along my jaw before reaching my mouth. Lips locked. His grinding became faster and more rough, breaking the kiss, he looked me in the eye, "You're sure you wanna do this?" I looked up at him and smiled before giving him a less sloppy kiss than the ones prior. Smiling into the kiss, he stopped and got off me, causing me to wine at the cold. "Don't worry,(y/n), I'm gonna make you feel amazing." The tension in between my legs grew as he kept talking. I was at a loss for words as he took off his last article of clothing. His large member sprang out of its fabric prison. The only thing I could think was 'There's no way that's gonna fit'. Getting back on top of me, he slowly crept down until his head was at my stomach. Looking at me, he grabbed the edge of my panties, never breaking eye contact. Somehow managing to get them all the way off with just his mouth, he began kissing up my legs. Me, wanting to be helpful, slowly opened them. Mark looked up at me, surprised, but then went back to what he was doing. I shuttered, feeling his hot breath just outside of my throbbing walls. Gasping, I felt an overwhelming wave of pleasure hit as he began to insert his tongue into my folds. Exploring the new territory, I looked down at him three my half closed eyes, noticing his hand moving underneath him. The fact that he was playing with himself just turned me on more, sensing that I was nearing my end, I threw my head back onto the pillows, entangling my fingers in his hair, I let out a particularly loud moan, feeling Mark's tongue lapping up all my juices. As he steadied himself with one hand, he put the one he had used to play with himself up to my mouth, his own cum now on it, "Lick." He ordered, putting a wet finger in between my lips. I did as told, cleaning off his hand as much as I could, afterwards Mark got on top of me again. Biting his lip, he took one of my hands and placed it over his still fully erect member. "Good girl." He breathed out, I continued to go up and down, "Sh-Shit, (y/n)" he suddenly pulled my hand away. Before I could say anything, he already had himself positioned at my entrance, I looked up at him, scared for what would happen next. "You ready?" Despite my brain telling me to say no, I nodded my head yes. I wanted this. And I was gonna get it. From him. Or from no one. I winced as he began to put his throbbing member inside of me, my back arched whilst I contemplated screaming. More of it went in, tears now streamed down my face like two water falls. I tried to stay still as he waited for me to adjust. Soon the pain was gone, pleasure in its wake. Looking up at him, I started bucking my hips, signaling him to move. His movements started slow, caring as he looked like he was holding back. The second I said faster, he was like an animal. Pumping in and out, moaning and grunting each others name as if we were the only things driving each other on in this world. For once, a man made me feel like the only girl in the world. Like I mattered to them. Mark could do that. We looked into each others eyes before he smashed his lips onto mine, our sweaty bodies sticking together as slaps could be heard throughout the room.(I felt nasty writing that part.) I felt myself coming to an end, "Mark, i-i'm g-gonna-" he cut me off, "Yeah, m-me too!" A few more thrusts before we screamed each others names, not caring who heard us. Mark pulled out before plopping down next to me. Trying my best to compose myself, I looked over at him. Giggling a bit, I placed my head on his slightly hairy chest as he played with my hair. At that moment, I didn't know of the long nine months ahead. Or the amazing husband I was going to get.

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