F! Eddsworld x child reader

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No one knew her name, for she wasn't important enough for anyone to even try. A 6 year old girl living on the streets was nothing special, but what people didn't know was that this little girl was practically a criminal. Not literally, she didn't do that kind of stuff, the most dangerous thing she had ever done was smuggle drugs a few miles outside of the already huge and maze like city. Mom couldn't, so she didn't really have a choice. Her mom was one of the most wanted people in London. Not because of the crimes she committed, but because they couldn't catch her. Every time she saw her face on the huge screens she'd changed her hair and her outfit just enough to pass her off as someone else. "Mom?" The little girl asked, poking her mothers shoulder. She had been complaining about not feeling well, and her back had been bothering her too. Rolling over, she looked at her little girl, her eyes half closed, "Dinners ready, do you want me to go get it? Or do you think you can stand?" The little girl asked, standing up and putting her hand out to help her up. Her mother chuckled, but it didn't last long before another coughing fit erupted, she sighed, rubbing her mom's shoulders in an attempt to calm her down, "Oh don't mind me- just, go get some supper for the two of us." She said, tapping her daughters shoulder a few times as the coughing slowly died down, "I talked to a red today." She blurted, looking away. She hated the red army just as her mother did, they where always trying to cause them trouble, "And what did you do?" Her mother asked, sinking into the sheets, ready for the mouthful her daughter was about to give her, "Well, he was trying to get me to go to one of the stations so he could 'help me' but I said no, he didn't like that very much. He said he didn't have time for my sass, and I told him to shut up and leave me alone. He didn't like that very much either. So I guess that's why he pulled my hair and kicked me before running off." She explained, feeling her back again. Her mother wanted to get angry, but she just didn't have the energy. Her whole body just felt weak. She felt her consiousness slipping. " (Y/n), come here for a second." He mother said, putting up her now thin and weak arm. "Yeah mom?" She asked, a bit confused, "Come lay down with mommy, she's cold." She joked, scootching over and patting the spot next to her. The little girl smiled and layed down under the thin sheets. Cuddling up to her, mothers eyes began to slowly close, "I love you baby girl." She said, kissing her daughters forehead, "Love you too mom." She said, falling asleep. Unaware of who her mother had called earlier that day.

(Y/n) awoke to the familiar feeling of falling on the floor, "Wha?" She asked looking around, only to have a light shined in her eyes, "Mom?" She tried to adjust her eyes, blinking a few times. Confused about the whole thing, mom never did anything like this. "Dude, it's a kid." (Y/n) looked around, not recognizing the voice, eyes finally adjusted, she saw a bunch of men in the room surrounding the bed, and also one on his knees in front of her. She eyed him up and down suspiciously, only to stop at his red uniform. "Mom!" She yelled out, darting onto the bed and shaking her mothers shoulders, something she always did when she needed to wake her up. She stayed motionless as soldiers started grabbing her. She thrashed around, trying to get back to her mom, "Let me go!" She, screamed, kicking a soldier in the stomach, continuing to struggle in their arms, "Mom wake up!" She yelled out, reaching for her. They needed to leave. Why wasn't she waking up!?

*F! Edd's POV*
I watched as the little girl struggled in Tom's arms. Matt was still holding his stomach whilst other soldiers began moving the body, "Let her go!" The little girl yelled out. I felt a little twinge in my heartbeat. This wasn't something the red army had to do everyday. So it was pretty new to everyone. Tears streamed down the girls cheeks as her eyes followed her mother out. "I- I hate you!" She yelled out, struggling twice as much, yelling, scratching, punching, kicking, anything she could do. I quickly helped Matt up off the floor and went over to Tom, "Hey, hey, calm down!" He yelled, grabbing one of her tiny wrists, "No!" She yelled back, kicking him in the ribs, I took this as a signal for me to take over. Taking her from Tom, I prepared myself for a kick or two.

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