Matt X reader

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OK yall.  Idk wtf to write, so this might be a little shitty.  Sorry.
Looking through the window next to the dinning table. I sighed. Why wasn't he here yet? I had been waiting for at least half an hour. Last time I set up a date on Tinder with a random guy. Since I was bored, I pulled out my phone. Checking my messages, I noticed a few messages from Matt.
Matt: where u at?
Matt: I'm bored, Tom and Edd left w/o me smh.
Matt:Talk to me plz!
I chuckled and began to type.
(Y/n): Calm down.  At (Favorite Restaurant). Wyd?
Matt: Finally! Nm. Wyd there?
(Y/n): On a date. Well, sposed to b. Got stood up. •^•
Matt: bish who I need to beat up?
I laughed a little.
(Y/n): yeah right. Just yesterday you were crying over snakes.
Matt: they don't have arms!
Matt: Anyway.  Stay there.  Imma pick u up.
(Y/n): ok. Whatever. Hurry up!
Matt: kk. Don't be so bossy lol.
Putting my phone back, I went back to looking out the window. I was surprised to feel a tap on my shoulder, I turned around,  thinking that it was Matt. But it was just one of the waiters, "Excuse me, are you going to be ordering?" He said. I thought for a second before getting an idea, "Yeah. Two vanilla ice creams please." He nodded and went back. Now. What to do whilst I waited? Welp. Back to the window. Looking at the cars passing, I began to grow anxious. What if Matt stood me up too? Na. He wouldn't do that. Would he? Well. It's not like he had to pick me up. He's not my boyfriend or anything, so it would be completely understandable if he didn't show up. Wait. No. It wouldn't. Boyfriend or not, I still had a right to be angry if he didn't pick me up. Unless, maybe if he got in a car crash. Then it'd be understandable. Wow.  Why was I so worried about him. It felt weird to think about a person so much. Maybe it was just because I really wanted a ride home? I mean. It looked like it was going to rain soon. And I hated getting wet. Plus, I didn't bring my umbrella. The sound of the little bell on the door brought me out of my thoughts. Looking back. I sighed in relief as soon as I saw the stupid grin on Matt's face. Good timing too. The waiter came back with the ice creams I ordered. But. As fate would have it. He dropped one of them. Right on my shoes. "I am so sorry!" He said, grabbing some napkins off the table. I blushed as he knelt down and grabbed one of my legs and put my foot up on his knee, "U-umm, you don't have to do that, it's fine, really!" I tried putting my foot down but he just put it back up again,  "Listen, I already feel bad enough dropping the ice cream, but on a pretty girl like you." He looked down and picked up my other foot, I could feel the stares on us as he kept cleaning. Looking over at Matt, I noticed him talking to a few girls at a table. I don't know why. But I felt a twinge of jealousy build up in my stomach. I quickly dismissed it. I wasn't his girlfriend or anything.  So there was no reason to be jealous. But, if he was flirting. Why couldn't I? Looking back at the waiter, I smirked,  "So, I never got your name." I said, he looked up, "Oh, yeah. Sorry about that. It's Jason." He said, standing up, "Again, sorry about the ice cream.  I've got about the balance of an elephant on a tight rope. " I chuckled, "It's fine, really. Hey, do you go on break anytime soon? I would love to get to know you a little better. You seem nice." I said. He scratched the back of his head and amiled, "Well, umm. Actually I go on break in about fifteen minutes.  Do you think you could hang around until then-I mean, it's OK if you have other stuff to do. I don't expect you to wait here just to talk." He said. I smiled at him, "Sure. No problem. A friend might be here with me, is that ok?" I asked, looking over to Matt, who was currently glaring daggers at Jason. "Totally!" He said cheerfully. Another girl behind the counter called out Jason's name, "Well, see you in a bit! Duty calls." I chuckled, "Yep, I'll be here." He gave me a quick nod and darted to the back. I smiled and looked back over at Matt to see him walking towards me. Sitting down, he grumpily asked "Who was that?" I played it off cool, "Jason. Who were those girls you were talking to? Were they nice?" Matt froze up. "Um. Yeah. I was actually asking if they had seen you." He said. Crap. Now I felt bad, "Was Jason nice?" I smiled, "Yeah, he's actually gonna be joining us in about fifteen.  Want some ice cream?" I asked, handing the cone over to him, he reluctantly took a quick lick. I dig he'd and took a bite, "What's wrong?" I asked, looking over at him, "You seem a little bitter." He huffed and sank down in his seat a little more
"Well,  you seemed to be really into that guy." I smirked,  "So?" I asked, nudging him a bit. It was really out of character for him to act this way. "Never mind." He said, sitting up. "Now, give me some ice cream." He said, grabbing for it, "I thought you didn't like ice cream. Or maybe you just wanted indirect kissing!" I teased. His face reddened and he put the ice cream down, "Whatever. Anyway. Who were you planning to go out with?" He turned to me and smiled. "Just some guy I met on tinder. Total tool." I scoffed, taking the ice cream and biting into it. I winced a bit as it got on my front teeth. "Cold." I said. He rolled his eyes, "That's what I keep saying." He said. He then took a little scoop on his finger and booped my nose, "C'mon dude! Not cool!" I reached for the napkins but was stopped by Matt's hand. I sighed, "Uh. Do you mind?" I asked, looking over. He looked away for a bit bit before going back up and kissing my nose. "Tasty." He said, smiling at me. My face was on fire, "What the hell dude!?" I exclaimed, hoping Jason hadn't seen what just happened.  Matt looked over to another table. My eyes followed his to see none other than Jason himself, glaring at a now smirking Matt. I smacked his shoulder, "What was that for?" Matt asked, rubbing the back of his head. I glared at him, "Dinner and a movie first buddy." I scoffed, looking back over at Jason and mouthing a quick sorry. He just smiled and went back to what he was doing before,  "Why do you like him so much anyway?" Matt asked, grabbing my attention again, "He's nice, there a problem?" I asked, eyeing him suspiciously. He crossed his arms, "I guess not." I smiled and rubbed his back, "Seriously,  you've been acting weird." I said, he leaned in and rested his head on my shoulder. "Uh. Matt?" I asked, tapping his head. He sighed, "I don't know, I just feel weird." He said, sitting up again. "You need some ice cream?" I asked, picking it up off the table, He put his head down and nodded. Grabbing the ice cream, he took a few short licks and put it down again. "When is that guy gonna join us again?" I looked at my phone,  "Any time now." I said. We waited a few more minutes in a comfortable silence.  Seeing Jason making his way over, I waved. He waved back and took a seat across from Matt and I, "Hey, how was work?" I asked,  trying to start up a conversation.  He put his head in his hands, "You have no clue." He chuckled and looked over at Matt, "Hi, I'm Jason. I take it you're (y/n)'s friend?" He asked, sticking his hand out, Matt reluctantly took it, "Yeah, so I've heard. I'm Matt." He said, I nudged Matt under the table. "Anyway,  (y/n). I was wondering if you'd like to maybe go to the movies this Saturday?" Jason asked, I looked over at him in surprise. "Actually,  she can't." Matt interrupted, I looked back at him confused and a little angry, "Oh, can I ask why?" Matt smirked over at him, "Well (y/n) promised to hang out with me this Saturday. Sorry." He said, wrapping a hand around my shoulders. Jason glared at him, "Well," he said, "Maybe another time." I chuckled, getting nervous,  "Ok, I'm sure you have work to do. Matt and I will show ourselves out." I said, getting out of my seat, "Yeah. Well, if you ever wanna hang, you know where to find me." I smiled and gave him a side hug before shoving Matt out the door. Once we got on the side walk, I quickly pulled him into a nearby alley, "What the hell was that!?" I shouted, pointing back to the restaurant. He rolled his eyes, "C'mon,  you would've had to been blind to NOT see how strong he was coming onto you!" He yelled back. I sighed, "I just don't understand why you got so defensive about it." I said, crossing my arms. "I don't know either." He admitted, I looked at him in surprise,  "Well, I hope you find out. I don't like it when you're like this." I muttered. It was quiet for a few seconds. All of a sudden I felt something pin me against a wall. I yelped and squinted my eyes. "Matt!?" I asked, looking up at his darkened face, "I know why I've been acting the way I have." He said, looking to the left, "Well then tell me!" I yelled, struggling in his grip, "I don't know how to tell you!" He said, I froze. Neither of us said a word for a good minute or two, "Then show me." I whispered out. Looking back up at him, he let go of my wrist. My arms fell loosely to my sides. Matt's hands didn't,  instead they were put on the sides of my face, "Uh. Matt?" I asked. He shushed me by putting his lips on mine. My eyes widened. This was wrong, I had just been flirting with another guy. How long had he felt this way? Thoughts swarmed my mind as I began to kiss back. Slipping his tongue in, he grabbed my waist, pinning me up against the wall even more. I parted the kiss for air, "Matt, slow down." I said. He looked away, "Yeah, sorry about that." Letting go of my waist, he straightened himself up, "So, does that make me your boyfriend or?" He asked, rubbing his neck. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him, "I guess it does." I said, burying my head in his shoulder, "We're just going to avoid that restaurant from now on." I said, Matt chuckled. "Yeah, I guess so." He said. "How long did you have theses feelings for me?" I asked, "A couple of years maybe." He said. I gasped, "Years!?" He froze, "Are you mad?" He asked. I sighed, "No." I said. He grabbed my hand,  "Then let's go watch a movie or something." I chuckled, "Whatever." I said. He was one confusing goof ball.

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