Ell x female Reader

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Ok but am I the only one who thinks Ell is just so precious? Like, just look at her!

Ok but am I the only one who thinks Ell is just so precious? Like, just look at her!

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Anyway. To da story!
Laying on the couch, I watched as Tori tried to fix the TV. This was literally the third time she's broken it, "Ell's not gonna be too happy about her 500 dollar TV being broke, y'know." I joked, Tori glared back at me, "It's not my fault Tamara was annoying me." She scoffed. I smirked, "Yeah. But you still chucked knife at her. And now look where we are. I really don't think you're gonna be able to fix that." I said. Tori chuckled and went back to the hole in the side of the TV. That's kind of how our friendship worked, just back and forth teasing, "Anyway," Tori said whilst working, "Speaking of Ell." I glared at the back of her head, "Don't you dare." I warned. Tori either didn't hear or just ignored me, "When are you gonna tell her?" She asked. I sighed and rubbed my finger on the carpet, "I don't know. Never maybe? She doesn't even know I exist." I said. Tori let out a snort, interrupting my thoughts, "What?" I asked. She looked back at me and smirked, "Wow. Just wow." She said. Taking a break on the TV, she sat cross legged in front of me, "It's obvious she likes you!" She suddenly exclaimed. Causing me to jump and fall off the couch, groaning, I sat my head on Tori's lap whilst she played with my hair, "Yeah right. She barely even talks to me." I whined, focusing on a braid Tori was working on, "That means she likes you!" She said. I sighed, "Funny way of showing it." I grumbled. "Well," Tori said, "You could always stay with me!" She yelled, grabbing under my arms and bringing me up into a hug from behind, "Tori! S-stop it! That tickles!" I giggled out, feeling her begin to tickle me, I let out a snort, "Not until you say you love me!" She joked, going down to my stomach. I squirmed in her grasp, laughing and giggling the whole time, "Never!" I yelled, getting out of her grasp, I flung myself over the couch to hide, "Oh, we're playing that game now, are we?" She asked, I looked over the side of the couch and didn't see her. Sighing in relief, I rested my head on the back of the couch, only to hear a giggle. I looked over, terrified of the sight before me. There she was, Tori, hands out stretched, ready to tickle. I tried my best to flee but she was quicker. Grabbing my leg, she slowly ran a finger over the bottom of my foot. This caused me to jerk and fall forward, a loud bump following afterwards, "Ow!" I yelled, my head hitting the floor. Tori stopped tickling me and rushed forward, "Are you ok!?" She asked, I looked at her concerned face and smirked a bit, laying on my back, I put a hand over my forehead, "Tell Ell I loved her!" I said, dramatically fainting. "What?" I heard a voice say. I thought about it, too deep to be Matilda's, too high to be Tamara's. And there was no accent so..oh no. It was Ell. Shit. Opening my eyes, I turned my head over to the doorway, "Uh, hey Ell! Umm, what's up?" I asked, trying not to stutter. But failing at that, I looked over to the sacks in her hands. Standing up, I rushed over to her, "You need any help with those?" I asked. Trying to distract her from what she may or may not of heard. Smiling at me, she handed me one, "Yeah actually. Thanks." She said. I looked over to Tori and saw her smirking, shooting her a quick glare, I looked back at Ell, "No problem!" I said cheerfully, feeling my face heat up a bit, I mentally slapped myself. I then followed her into the kitchen and sat the bags down on a counter and started putting things away, "Umm, how much of that did you hear?" I asked, looking back to see her gab two colas out of the fridge, she handed one to me, "Enough." She said, winking. But I could see the very present blush on her cheeks. We both opened our cans and took a drink, "Did you mean it?" She asked quietly. Almost a whisper, I nodded shyly, "Yeah. I get it if you don't feel the same." I said. I felt a tear or two beginning to well up, afraid of what she was gonna say. "I mean, if you think it's weird. And we're both girls and all and-!" I was interrupted by a pair of lips on mine. I backed up a bit in surprise, only to have her lean in more. A few more seconds past before she stopped and looked at me. I was so shocked I just stopped moving. My face was on fire and I was just so happy I didn't know what to do with myself. Waving a hand in front of my face, Ell tried to get my attention, "Uhh hey, earth to (y/n)?" She asked. Nothing. Cupping her hands, she yelled back into the living room, "Tori! I think I broke her!" She yelled. Tori walked in and looked at me as my excitement began bubbling up even more, she sighed, "3, 2," I interrupted her buy yelling and jumping up, "Yes!!" I yelled out. Giving Ell another rough kiss, I darted out the door in a frenzy, ready to run the extra 25 miles to tell my parents about my sexuality. Ell shot out the door after me and stopped at the end of the sidewalk, "But you live here!" She yelled out. I heard her, but didn't really care. Running faster, I got ready to burn off all that energy. Jumping up in the air I yelled out, "I'm gay!" I could hear the laughing from where I was.

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