Chapter 0

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" ...Ake up..."


" ...(Y/n)...Sama..."

<< ??? >>

[ Reader ]

Slowly opened my eyes and saw myself floating on a crystal clear stream, ' How did I end up here? ' I thought to myself when I noticed the swarm of black rukh fluttering around me.

It reminded me of a school of fish that can't be touched on top of the endless surface.

I carefully sat up and reached my finger out when a black rukh flutter towards me and landed on the tip of my finger and upon making contact, I held a surprised expression.

The black rukh started to turn into white, following with the others who turned into other shades of colour.

"...Beautiful..." I mumbled with awe. When I noticed that the rukhs went underneath me and started to lift me up as they flew in a certain direction.

I didn't question about the rukhs strange behaviour as I let them lead me to another place. As I sat there, we come across an old ruin that was left for decades and the more we get nearer, there more ruins we encounter.

Nothing come in mind as I could only remember important things such as the rukhs and my companions who are dear to me. Other than that, all of my memories were blurry.

I sigh softly as I can't remember anything else and yes, it's quite disappointing too. I just sat there until I was blinded by the light and felt the gentle breeze of the wind, touching my bare skin.

My eyes slowly adjusted themselves while the rukhs land me on the soft grass that felt foreign. I gaze around my surroundings and had no idea where the rukhs had sent me until a memory triggered as I heard a foreign voice ringing in my head.


" I have created a world where a new life will begin their journey, milady. "


A tear slips down on my face while a smile slowly creeps up on my face.

" Welcome Back, (Y/n)-sama. " The rukhs sync with joy as all of them started to swarm around to form a pillar as well as black ruhks and the colourful rukhs that were coming over.

~ * ~

<< Kou Empire >>

|| Third Person View ||

There was a young man who has black medium length hair that was tied into a braided was sitting on a shady tree while munching fresh peaches and a juicy red apple at the same time. When he sense a familiar presence someway and saw the pillar of rukhs were heading north.

" So the brat is back huh? She has some explaining to do. " The magi smirked.

|| Meanwhile ||

" This is impossible! " The youthful woman with short, dark blue hair, with two long braids tied in loops growled as she threw her belongings to the end of the room.

" She shouldn't be awakened at this time! And if she knew what's going, she will foil my plans. " She gritted her teeth as she glared through her window.

" I must find a way to get r- " However, she stopped at her tracks. When a wicked smirk slowly creep up on her face, " I should make use of her powers and once I obtain it, I'll end her once and for all! "

~ * ~

<< Reim Empire >>

The young lady with long blonde wavy hair with two braids in the back that reaches down on her ankles with a laurel wreath grapes and vines around left and right side of her head stopped at her tracks and turned her attention towards the window.

" It seems like she has finally awakened from her long slumbers. " She smiled before she turned her head at the corner of her room and watched the untouched lantern staff glowing ever so brightly.

" She will end the destruction that had placed on this world's fate. " She said with a hopeful tone.

~ * ~

<< Magnostadt Academy >>

The boy with unruly light blonde hair was reading a book in his room. When his whole body was struck with lightning, causing him to drop the book that he was reading a he slowly turned his attention towards the window.

" What's with this powerful aura coming from?! " He murmured with a slightly frightened tone.

" This feeling is nostalgic and yet, so unfamiliar. Does Scheherazade-sama know this person? "

~ * ~

<< Great Rifts >>

A young man with silver-blonde hair was humming a cheerful tone after he saw the pillar that was made out of rukhs.

" Today is a blessed day! (Y/n) has finally returned! " He chirped with a smile that rivals the bright sun.

" Isn't it a wonderful, Solomon? "

~* ~

<< Room Of Fortitude >>

The young boy with blue hair stopped from what he was doing. When he noticed that the white rukhs were acting strange while at the same time, he felt nostalgic for some reason.

" Why do I feel like I am missing something? " He mumbled as he stared at his giant friend's back.

[ Ugo ]

I smiled when I felt the familiar presence that I missed, " I glad you're doing well, milady. " I murmured while waiting for the right time to see her once again.

[ Edited ]

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