Chapter VIII

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[ Third Person View ]

It was already in the afternoon until a sleepy groan could be heard along with the sound of the bed being shuffled.

" Is it already in the afternoon? " (Y/n) tiredly murmured to herself as she glanced at her lantern staff and saw it was giving a faint glow.

Indicating as a ' yes. '

" Oh. Well, I should get a quick bath and changed my clothes, " she stated as she got off from the bed and did somebody stretches to break some bones before doing what she was supposed to do.

~ * ~

As (Y/n) was done preparing, she was making some presents for the Imperial Family since they treated her with hospitality. Until (Y/n) was interrupted by a knock on the door.

(Y/n) glanced over her side and saw the door was being opened and only to see the First Imperial Princess who was smiling kindly towards her.

" Good afternoon, (Y/n). "

" Afternoon to you too, Hakuei-sama. " (Y/n) greeted her while smiling back at her.

" What's bring you here, Hakuei-sama? " (Y/n) asked as she grabbed a pair of sea coral earrings and hide it in her long sleeves before walking towards her.

" I wanted to check up on you whether you're still asleep, (Y/n)-san. " Hakuei informed her.

" I see, " (Y/n) nodded while shifting her sleeves slightly, " I appreciate that you came to check on my well being, Hakuei-sama. Thank you, " she thanked the First Imperial Princess as she just waves it off with a smile.

" No need to thanked me, (Y/n)-san. I'm just looking out for you since you are Judar's honourable guest, " Hakuei stated, not noticing (Y/n) was sweating with cold sweat.

" Y-yeah, " (Y/n)'s eyes trailed off, " His honourable guest. "

" Hmm? Did you say something, (Y/n)-san? "

" N-nope! " (Y/n) nervously smile, making Hakuei stared at her with a confused expression. However, she just shrugged it off.

" Anyways, I'll be going now, (Y/n)-san. I'll be seeing you during dinner. " Hakuei said as she started to walked away until (Y/n) stopped her.

" Wait a moment, Hakuei-sama. " (Y/n) called out as she pulled out the sea coral earrings and hand it to the First Imperial Princess.

" What's this? "

" It's a gift for treating me kindly, Hakuei-sama. "

" That's very thoughtful of you, (Y/n)-san. I'm going to treasure this and thank you, " Hakuei smiled.

" Your welcome. "

~ * ~

[ Reader ]

After dinner, I was walking through the corridor since I have nothing to do until an idea pop in my mind, " I should find a library around here. " I murmured underneath my breath as I started to head my way towards the library.

|| Library ||

I was fully hooked on the book that was written in Ancient Chinese language and at the same time, I discovered that I could fully understand its language.

I continued to read the books without fully acknowledging that I had been reading a stack of books until my ears perk up. I looked up from the book that I was interested in and had my eyes slightly widen, seeing the First Imperial Prince was sitting across from me.

" G-good evening, Kouen-sama. What brings you here? "

Kouen nodded, " I would say the same thing, (Y/n)-san and refer to me by my name when we're alone. " He ordered as I gave him a nod.

" That I can do that, " I told him as I continued, " And to answer to your question, I was bored so I decided to here just to entertain myself. " I truthfully told him because I don't want to get myself in trouble if I lied to him.

Kouen grunt in respond before everything falls into an awkward silence.

[ Kouen ]

' This is indeed awkward since none of us is talking, '  I thought while taking small glances at her who looked nervous for some reason.

" Do you like reading books, (Y/n)-san? " I asked her, breaking the barrier between us.

" Y-yes! Books are interesting and tell a lot of stories that shared by the author themselves, " (Y/n) stated with a sincere tone which oddly enough I found it pleasing to listen.

" How about you, Kouen-sama? Do you like to read? "

" Books are books. Nothing seems to interest me since I thought it was full of nonsense, " I bluntly stated, making (Y/n) lightly chuckled.

" Well, you're not wrong about that, Kouen. " (Y/n) closed the book that she was reading before she gazed at me with a small smile as if as she was disappointed about my distaste of books.

" Many people don't appreciate the books that had been written by the authors since it was written with nonsense. " (Y/n) explained as she continued.

" However, what people don't really know the real purpose. "

" What purpose? " I asked her, starting to get curious. (Y/n) continued to smile as I watched her taking glances around the room before gazing back at me.

" They used it to escape from reality that treated them unfairly, no freedom, discrimination, broken families and so many things that go down to the list. That's why they do all this to satisfy themselves because they will never be able to experience it. "

Then moment that she said that, it had me thought about the books and the authors themselves before I glanced over to (Y/n) who continued to read the book.

" Don't take it too seriously, Kouen. I merely stated it from my heart. "

[ Third Person View ]

As time had passed, the sun has set and the moon has risen as the First Imperial Prince glanced over to (Y/n) and saw her that she had her arms folded on the table with her head on her arms.

Kouen quietly stood up and took off the black cloak that he always used, draping it across her shoulder and didn't hesitate to lightly peck her on the forehead.

Until Kouen noticed that the book that the female Magi was readying awhile ago was left open. He picked it up and it was about the legend of the four dragon warriors that serve the red dragon and had an ally who is the dragon king.

" It's been a long time that I read this when I was a child..." Kouen muttered underneath his breath before he remembered what (Y/n) had told him.

' Maybe I should give it a try, ' he thought as he went back to his seat and read through the book from the very beginning.

~ * ~

[ Reader ]

Opening my eyelids when I felt a little weight on my shoulder, taking a glance and to see a black cloak on me. I was slightly confused how it got there as I gracefully slide it off from my shoulder that was now on my grasp.

I looked across of me and Kouen was still in the library, sleeping in a peaceful manner with his arms were crossed, lips were parted slightly and revealed his white robe.

I was surprised that he stayed back before I quietly stood up from my seat and walk towards, standing behind him.

I had my eyes closed with a smile as I wrapped him with his big black cloak around him, leaning to his face and lightly peck on his cheek, and back away as I put the rest of the books to the shelves before I left the library.

[ Edited ]

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